You want to know why you may not relate to me? Well, I’m a Prime Creator in human form. You can’t relate to that. I arrived to point zero, from the highest frequencies. You can’t relate to that. I have my own Universe known as the ‘red universe’. You can’t relate to that. I am like a brother to the Prime Creator of this universe. You can’t relate to that. I work with the Planetary Hierarchy. You may not relate to that, or even know who they are. I sacrificed my human aspirations, for something greater. Many cannot relate to that. I battle the beast at the front lines. Many cannot relate to that. I listen to Creator. You might not relate to that. I’m not heavily invested in the third dimension. You may not relate to that. I have helped millions of people with their spiritual awakening. You may not relate to that. I share the most powerful words ever heard in the history of the world. You may not relate to that. I’m not limited by the bible, religions, or culture. You may not relate to that. There are many many reasons why you may not relate to me, and yet many do relate to me. They relate to my heart, my love, my spirit, my kindness, my generous service, my warrior nature, my love for all creatures including the universe. If you don’t relate to me, it’s no skin of my butt, good buddies. I’m not here to sell myself to you, for your acceptance. Actually, your own Prime Creator is disappointed with humanity’s actions at times, and I feel the same way. Disgusted… oh sure. But that is not judgment of people, that’s judgment of actions. If humanity was better at judging actions, we wouldn’t confuse it with judging people. Some of you are so busy giving the mic and support to the victims, that you have forgotten that you need to be giving the mic and the support to those who saved your planet from being blown up. We are known as Sananda’s Eagles. We’re universal celebrities, but we don’t want you to worship us… support us, yes, of course… why would anyone NOT support those who stopped the planet they live on from being blown up? Some of you are very very misguided… you actually think you are going to the fifth dimension with your poor attitude… being poor in spirit… being a poor judge… being a poor sport. You live today like it is yesterday. You define yourself by your wounds. You define yourself by your culture. You define yourself with limitations… and for that you suffer and miss out. Truth, is I relate to those limitations, but my path is to first experience, them and then rise above them, not let them define me. You want today to be like yesterday… you think this is being a good person…. a good Indian… a good community member… you actually have cult-like value systems… you judge those who you don’t relate to… even if they are Gods.