You feel it, The Universe knows you do. The energy has shifted/lifted to something a bit lighter and airier than it has been in recent weeks. The Universe is you a little breather from the heavy lifting you have been doing recently. Yes, there are still deeply buried things to be discovered and work to do but you have experience in releasing them now, making it easier as you go along. Your homework for today; relax and recharge. Rest easy…breathe deeply…love unconditionally, and always remember, you are a gift to your Earth plane existence. ~ Creator
Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, TheraHealing Instructor/Practitioner at The Creator Writings
IITM: Yup I have been feeling good… remember this a few days ago? Feeling Something Extra Beautiful…
However with all that being said… if you were on a ‘day off’… and knocked over a bowl of sugar and other people were going to walk in the house with their wet shoes… would you clean up the mess that you made, or would you put your feet on the table, stick a toothpick in your mouth, and turn on the telly for some mind control… and when disaster hits, you claim to have no responsibility for it, because Creator told you to take a day off?
For me, I enjoy ‘doing nothing’… but I enjoy even more, just making the best use of my energy. Sometimes feeling better is simply meditation.
Don’t get me wrong, there is value in the stillness… immense value… but don’t use that as an excuse to be more useless.
I feel a good spiritual foundation equates to being a more powerful creator, but that spirit side has to be in balance with the physical side.
Remember, we merge with Creator in the spiritual and we reflect Creator in the physical. Our soul in our body is the bridge.
In this beautiful day, which can be all days… there are three ways to support The Yellow Ray, the website that is helping you to spiritually awaken, the website that is a liferaft, as you are hopefully now realizing that you are out in a sea of energy, that is like rough and unchartered waters… how many liferafts are going to float by, if you ignore the one that is already here? This is a website, that ignites the yellow ray across planet earth. You can find these three ways to support The Yellow Ray at the end of each blog post. Merge with the Creator who reaches you through The Yellow Ray. Support the people around you, who are already supporting you. You can afford to support those who are already supporting you, for if you refuse to do so when you are able and capable, this creates more universal imbalance. The wisdom within ALL of us, will unify us.
Thanks for being on earth, and for your conscious spiritual and evolving presence, in stillness and in action.