I am Palas Athena Goddess of Truth. What I want to inform you is that a major international network of child trafficking with pornography has been dismantled. Large servers of companies that corrupted the planet of youth and the children who innocently entered their networks have been dismantled.

All that pornographic network, all that network of child trafficking with sexual object, trafficking and trafficking of white people as they say, of deceived women who were wearing them painting their villas and castles. Women who, for material, economic needs, entered these networks to never go out, but were dead.

This Great network has been dismantled. A big network has been dismantled globally and we continue to work my beloved. Because with the assistance of the Beloved Archangel Michael and with all the forces of the White Hats established on the ground, he has gone to work intelligently to go detect the points.

Great cabaret, brothels in different countries. This is a planetary network they had. Their heads have been arrested. Their heads have been placed under international planetary justice and we’re going to work it also in the cosmic courts of this system, because many of these heads are big demons with their tentacles, with their web scattered.

No more perversion for children, to these beings who come to Disneyland and are taken for evil purposes by this band of evil doers.

Another great Victory my loves, another great Victory.

This TV channel (and makes us feel play boy, hot pack) and the networks and others the like. They will be tried in court to be taken off the grid from all these centers that control entertainment, the networks and the media services.

Well my darlings i say goodbye.

I am Palas Atenea Goddess of Truth and in honor of all those innocents we announce one more Victory of Light.

I am Palas Athena Goddess of Truth, always in honor of Truth.

Blessings to All.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServiUM

ERKS – 12/04/2024

Comandantes Ishtar y Ashtar

IITM: More good news… and the white hats have made it happen… sooooo, we must be more patient that things are happening behind the scenes, even if they are slow.

Remember… you and I can always do MORE… so no complaining eh?