IITM:  Notice… you have no rights in their evil eyes.

They have no love for you.

You are a human resource.

He is explaining how they are taking over the world.

The thieves are trying to break into everybody’s bodies and our lives.

How will they be stopped if people don’t know?

China… uh… not exactly role model material for future world leadership.

Keep asking the galactics to land… the political climate on this planet has totally gone zonkers!

Folks… you have no more rights, in the eyes of world leaders, corporations and so forth.

You should be outraged.

But you are barely noticing if at all.

F*ck! Sorry even angels get fed up with this situation.

The wisdom in this situation is to invite the galactics… this stuff has been infecting the galaxy by the way… so they are eager to ‘deal with the clean up’. 

Make no mistake, when enough humans are ready, millions of spaceships will openly be able to traverse our skies and land on our shores, to connect with us with true friendship… but how many people are even capable of loving themselves, to then love someone in the galaxy who has been hovering in stealthform, above our heads, for decades now, and still we’re not sure if it’s significant, that the clouds reveal their form, that they appear in front of stars, that they pretend to be green meteors, that they are sending us millions of messages via human channelers?

It’s pretty bad on earth though… so bad that even Pleiadians from our galaxy, would not even be able to live a ‘normal’ life… that’s why they consider us to be very strong beings. But still c’mon enough’s enough right? We could be putting energy into the lives we want, instead of the lives, evil people want, but we have to know their plans too.