1. Alcohol is vegan… but that doesn’t mean it is better than meat.
  2. Most commercially grown foods are inherently deficient in nutrients… so if you are vegetarian/vegan, and don’t stray from those commercial foods, you will be nutrient deficient.
  3. Eating raw can ruin your health, because not everything is meant to be consumed raw… fruits and veggies, yes, but not things like nuts, many seeds and many legumes.
  4. Some foods are best if they are soaked, not eaten raw.
  5. Some foods have higher nutrition if they are soaked and/or fermented.
  6. Fermented foods can have vitamins that raw foods do not.
  7. All life is sentient… plants DO communicate with each other.
  8. Remember… trees are sentient, but that didn’t stop you from living in wood structures, or using paper etc.
  9. Ask a lifeform if it wants to be your food… if it says ‘no’… then respect that.
  10. Just because you are vegan or vegetarian, doesn’t immediately mean you are higher frequency, because you may have all sorts of low vibratory issues.
  11. Just because you are vegetarian or vegan doesn’t give you the right to judge meat eaters, in fact, if you judgmental, you are in error, and have lowered your frequency.
  12. Some vegetarians or vegans know very little about food… don’t take advice from those who have a low relationship with the food they eat.
  13. Blessing your food can help make it more tasty and nutritious.
  14. Many probably eat more food than our bodies actually need.
  15. You can use electricity to improve the health of plants.
  16. Just because you eat vegetarian doesn’t magically mean that food was grown in healthy soil, and is good for you.
  17. Modern vegetarians and vegans often struggle with health issues because they lack the knowledge presented here.
  18. It’s possible to be extremely healthy and put on muscle as a vegan… but at the same time, many are malnourished, have weak bodies, and are low in muscle mass, because they lack the knowledge presented here.
  19. It is often necessary to supplement with some vitamins and minerals if you are vegan or vegetarian, but some of us don’t need that, because we don’t lack the knowledge presented here, and we take action and enjoy preparing our own food as much as possible.
  20. Some of us don’t have gardens, but we can still soak, sprout and ferment for much higher nutrition that not doing so.
  21. Just because you are kind to animals doesn’t mean you are kind to humans… please don’t discriminate against humans.

By the way, I’m not fully vegetarian, but I am working on it, and don’t need anyone’s false judgments, especially when others don’t even have my knowledge base. However, now that I have shared this with you, you have no excuse for continuing to be an unhealthy and malnourished vegan or vegetarian (if you are), with all sorts of nervous system disorders, brittle bodies, health issues, and judgments of meat eaters. Not everybody knows what is shared here, and quite frankly you may not have known some of these things either. Lastly, these words are not meant just for you, they are meant for anyone who needed to hear these things, AND are meant for people to share. Face it, being vegetarian doesn’t stop someone from being a parasite, LOL! I know people can always up their nutrition and knowledge base, and can be more helpful to each other. Let’s hold space for mutual respect for all creatures, as we learn, grow and evolve. Personally, I don’t really define myself as vegan, vegetarian or meat-eater… I Am that I Am… and that’s good enough for me.

Feel free to share… don’t be afraid to give me credit, send me a friend request, or to send people my way… thanks for reading. Comments to help improve this list, are welcomed.

Brother to all creatures in the universe,

Richard Peterson Kuthumi (IITM) Indian in the machine (lightwork) / World Teacher & Friends (spiritual) / The Yellow Ray (updates) / Indian in the machine YouTube / Bitchute / Donorbox / Paypal / Shop / MOST POWERFUL WORDS EVER HEARD IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD – THE GREAT PETITIONS