The Yellow Ray

IITM: We can definitely notice how the tilting of Africa, is affected energetically by unrest in middle east.

We can notice why it is believed that Palestine could soon flood.

We can notice how Africa is pulling North America apart, and the main rip point, is the New Madrid Faultline.

Once again Zetatalk provide guidance… however don’t believe everything, for they too have their mission to test themselves and you.

Folks… when this happens… things could get pretty ‘shaky’ *nervous laugh…. you know.

But walking with God, is key to navigating through the storm… who else would you be getting directions from?

Oh and when North America eastern part, nudges… and sends a massive wave over to Europe… doesn’t that make sense?

Africa Roll Signs

The Africa Roll is in process, turning Africa in a clockwise direction so it drops its NE corner to scrape down along the Sinai. During this process it also pulls the SE Portion of the N American Plate, as these two plates are glued firmly to each other along their Atlantic border. This eventually results in the New Madrid Rupture, which is at hand. There will be a tearing open of the N Atlantic during this process, caused by the 4 plate juncture at the Azores pulling in different directions.
Africa rolls toward the SE, pulling the SE Portion of the N American Continent with it. This will result in Africa and the SE Portion moving along the Mediterranean border, moving Gibraltar 125 miles further to the East. Europe will remain in place, while the Seaway and the New Madrid Fault Line at the Seaway exit clap. Beyond the rising and falling water level in the Seaway at Montreal, we have a diverted Gulf Stream as proof that this is in process.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 1/11/2024: Why is the Gulf Stream dividing at the Azores? This divide of the Gulf Stream continues up along the N Atlantic, as though there were a force influencing the waters.  The Eurasian Plate is under a ripping action at its SW corner, as can be seen in the Methane burn maps, where the Seaway side of the N Atlantic is relatively quiescent. This is a prelude for the finale where a void will be opened at the Azores. The Eurasian Plate will be the anchor, not moving, while the SE Portion will pull to the East with Africa.

The N Atlantic Rift is under distress at that time, being pulled in different directions. Where assumed to be composed of independent segments, the N Atlantic Rift is torn open and solidified from lava during periodic Plate Movements, and thus operates as a whole when being tugged apart. Magnetic connections exist as the hardening lava forms into a magnet, aligning with the Earth’s magnetic field. The waters of the N Atlantic now reflect this tearing of the giant magnet that is the N Atlantic Rift.

Electro-magnetic particle flows have an affinity for water, which is a super conductor. Thus the waters of the N Atlantic along the N Atlantic Rift are charged, clashing with the normal Gulf Stream charge. Since the N Atlantic Rift was formed during prior crustal shifts, when the Earth encountered Nibiru with its retrograde rotation, the N Atlantic Rift magnetism adopted a counter clockwise direction. The Earth settled down into her current magnetic alignment, but the N Atlantic Rift had already been hardened to reflect the clash with Nibiru during the Passage.

Even Moscow, far from the quad-plate juncture at the Azores, will be affected by the Africa Roll. They were given a UFO warning in 2007 re flooding caused by river backwash, all the way up river from the Black Sea to Moscow.
ZetaTalk Warning 2007:  The UFO blitz of recent months included more reports than reached the media in the US. As can be shown by this excellent report, Moscow was given a light show and telepathic warning too. If UFO’s were seen across the US and in Istanbul and London, as warnings, what is in store in Moscow, in the coming months?  Moscow is in the center of an extreme stretch of lowlands. Where above sea level now, after the pole shift, when the big melt has raised the sea level some 675 feet worldwide, Moscow residents will have hundreds of miles to traverse in order to be above the waves.

There are no foot hills, no mountains, no plateaus, in any direction. To the East, the Urals. To the Southeast, the Caucasus. To the Southwest, the Carpathians. And to the Northwest, beyond Finland, the mountains of Sweden. We have described the UFO blitz in Istanbul, Turkey as a warning that the entry to the Black Sea will lower as Africa twists during pre-shift quakes and plate movements. Where does this water go? There are several rivers that drain these lowlands, many ending in the vicinity of Moscow. The waters go up river, pushed back, a backwash. Moscow will be reminded early that it lies in lowlands, with unexpected flooding a result of plate adjustments.

The Yellow Ray – Lightfeed


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