Beloved Emanuel and Pastora, children of this Universe, children of Light. To you and to All, to all beings of Light who are currently activated and who are contributing and giving that great service, so that this Plan, the Divine Plan is carried out.
My children we are in some special times as I always tell you. We have to double the efforts, we have to continue raising the vibration of the planet. Gotta keep elevating the planetary energy. All Forces, all Commandos, all who support the Divine Plan, this plan I devised for this system to change. For this system to change to more subtle dimensions, for this great project for this humanity to take effect, for this to take place.
This is the big time now. All very connected, working, doing their best to make this all converge and take away all vibration, all planetary tune. All Commands are activated. The entire logistics support part of this plan is all activated globally, system-wide.
Everything is going according to plan my children, Everything. It’s time for everyone to go into reflection, for everyone to connect internally and begin to work from within. All those who have not yet heard the messages, who have not heard the call of the hierarchy, of the Father, of Mahindra the Mother to heal. For them to be renewed, for all their energies to be restored, for their Christ Beings to be energized.
For Christ Beings in each of you to take command and control. For you guys to integrate your Avatar. For those Christian beings to integrate the Avatar.
No time to waste kids. The seconds, the minutes it all counts. We’re on the countdown. Everything is coming together. Everything is syncing up. We require strength from humanity, from the human being who is incarnate, who came with a mission, for all to be activated.
I always call them my children. Because it’s time, it’s a countdown and forward and forward. Seek the spirit in your inner being. Look for the incentive in Me, in the Planetary Hierarchy that gives and has given so much. And to all Commands and all beings of other systems betting on this plan to reach its grand culmination successfully.
Loving sons , sons . It is infinite the love that Father Mother has for all their children and especially for this great project that with so much love, that with so much momentum has established for this planet and for this system. Everything helps, the energies, the portals, the Sun. But it’s change. It’s time for this project to come to an end successfully.
They have nothing to fear because everything is in the hands of the Father and always Father Mother wants the best for the children and for these spoiled children who were gratefully chosen for this great plan, for this project that is already at its climax.
Children of my love, bless you all. Always be connected from within. Heal up, raise your frequency. Detachment from this reality, which is not a reality, but an unreal where they live.
This great simulator as they call it is already about to shut down to give in to another great reality of great light and harmony for all who so lovingly worked for this great goal.
I say my goodbyes. I bless you my children.
I am your Father Mother Adonai.
Emanuel and Pastora – ServiUM
ERKS – 23/03/2024