IITM: People don’t realize how thick the blood now is, or how quickly it changed in the past 3-6 months.

New “dots” in blood!

Technological structures in urine!!


  1. Hello Dieter, These photos confirm my suspicions. I have been taking 100 mg of resveratrol because it makes the blood platelets slippery, and always carry nattokinaze and a small container of cayenne pepper. When I had my first stroke alone at home. The natto pill and putting cayenne pepper under my tongue( it is not pleasant) for ten minutes opened my veins and arteries and the natto dissolved the clot. I was okay. The second one was at a restaurant. While my daughter drove me to the hospital, I kept taking cayenne pepper all the way. That time I did not have the natto with me. The doctors couldn’t find the clot and called in a specialist who guest where it might have happened. I consented to the clot busing meds they wanted to provide though. From that second one , I have a very slight droop on the left side of my lip and I must annunciate my words. From then on I also carry , on my person, the natto. It could have made the difference. I found this information on a site: Shirleys Wellness Cafe. Article by Dr . Christopher, who has revived people who have died of heart attacks and successfully survived strokes with cayenne pepper because it opens the veins and arteries.
    With the pollution campaign the new world order minions are carrying on, we all have to clean our blood and alkalize our blood every day. Having the nattokinaze and cayenne pepper handy can reduce or nullify a bad situation and provide some great emergency help before you get to a doctor or hospital. I wonder if the diatomaceous earth would disable (damaging it with a thousand cuts)the technology that is now in the blood . I have read that it performs best in an acid situation. Perhaps taking it in the morning with a little apple cider vinegar and honey and waiting a half hour before eating alkalizing foods. I am going to try it, starting with a teaspoon. There is a lot to learn.

    • Thank you for posting your very interesting knowledge and experiences. I am familiar with everything that you mentioned.

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