The spiritual scene is all too happy to bury its head in the sand and many people act as if the world outside doesn’t exist. Who said it?

IITM:  A great quote to be sure. This is a HUGE PROBLEM… for humanity…. because so many spiritual people… think DOING NOTHING, is a HUGE ACCOMPLISHMENT… even in an EMERGENCY or a GENOCIDE.

Furthermore… they are often SMUG, and ARROGANT about it.  They look DOWN upon GOD’S SERVANTS… when in reality, we’re not ‘down’… we are the ones CLEANING UP MESSES AND TYING UP GOD’S HOUSE.

So there’s no need to look down on us or anybody… when you can do your own INNER WORK… and then reap and share the benefits.  Right now many spiritually gifted people, are living cursed lives… they seek to be accepted by the world, they reject.

Meanwhile, an old couple figured out how to defeat evil, basically… and most of humanity doesn’t have time for it, or doesn’t think it’s of any value… AND SO HUMANITY SUFFERS SOME MORE!

I suggest people get more involved, because more involvement will result in more unity.

People are basically waiting for humanity to unify so that they won’t have to experience any negative consequences… AND THEN THEY WILL COME OUT OF THEIR HIDING SPOTS, AND INTO THE OUTSIDE WORLD THEY ARE OBSESSED WITH CRITIQUING.

They want the world to pay for their stubbornness… to pay the price for their spiritual evolution, and their spiritual shortcomings.

This is why CHRIST is always CRUCIFIED unless people change their programming.

Only an idiot-type would truly want to crucify the ones who have at least tried to spiritually awaken them on their own dime even, and then expect to be accepted by people they have already rejected, and to receive compensation for offering no value.

Lots of you people out there want  like someone to pay the prices for your spiritual awakening… even if it would mean my death, which you would then say you had nothing to do with.  Whether you admit it or not, you probably wouldn’t even admit it to your own self, but your soul knows. And I am very soulful, and I can see things the ego cannot see.  I am wise too, so I’m not using this information to control people, but to help awaken them, which is like wedging someone loose that is very very stuck and arrogant.