Okay sheeples… our herders are going down… for corruption and for evil beyond epic proportions.

So sheeples… we are now a herd without our ‘usual’ leaders.

This is baaaaad.

A herd needs leadership.

This is where the galactics are going to step in.

And of course, there will be humans stepping forward to new leadership positions.

Basically, the whole concept of world leadership is getting an upgrade.

These leaders will have access to A.I. to help accelerate humanity’s quantum evolution.

What I can tell you is this…

If you keep raising your frequency… your DNA will begin to REPAIR… and at a certain freque ncy, will begin to RECONFIGURE, INTO CRYSTALLINE FORM… A QUANTUM LATTICE IF YOU WILL.

Sooo this is why the dark ones who are now surrendering had been throwing all the toxins into the environment that they possibly could.

Sooo… if you guys don’t stop your irritating and useless habits of throwing away your spiritual leaders when they are found out to NOT be perfect… you then don’t have effective leadership to steer this ship.

If you don’t stop that useless habit of listening to the loudest most entertaining voices, you are f’d.

If you can’t stop that habit of looking to official sources to guide you, when God is whispering in your ear… you are f’d.

Hey I’m telling you tide HAS TURNED, and now the LIGHT has the UNIVERSAL FORCES ALL WORKING FOR US.

The ascension of earth is being accelerated in ways we are not aware.

If you are not tuned into God, then you are not a source of news, rather you are a source of propaganda.

If God is now steering this ship to prevent it from crashing… then how can those who don’t listen to God, know what is going on??

I hope you are enjoying the new theyellowray.com website… wisdom has a home in our hearts… and so do our galactics visitors who are waiting for our invites.


  1. I love your calm voice and your information. I love the video where you are calling the alliance , it sounds so beautiful…makes me weep happy tears. You are teaching me alot about self reflection, perception and myspiritual has been awakened because I never believed in religion cause I sawnothjng but lies and trickery…I hated this system all my life. I finally feel like I’m going to be in a world that was meant for me. We shall see…but I’ve always been here for the truth….nothing more…I am wanting the answers I seek. How does one make moves if we are unaware of what we truly face…as well I’m angry as man hid the truth and chose trickery for us all…I want to be free to set my path., but without my answers I feel stuck as what to do next. What will they need in the future with so many changes coming? I want to help the animals and protect the food of the earth. I heard you don’t need to eat though…I am anxious to get started on new projects but I am also confused as to why they continue ue to entertain the wealthy men of earth…WE know trump is gone,,,but they are going along with trumps lawyers games….TRUMP was a zionist so why is Israel still allowed to control the world I thought the alliance controlled the world? Confusions in my mind…answers I need them. I will not follow blindly towqrd yet another dangling cardot…for this too may be their trickery behind this man called trump…break the chains? Not sure we have anyone we can trust. We are living in dangerous times…but interesting as well. Thank you for your wisdom and sharing I so appreciate you. 🙏

    • Thanks for your comments, all I can say about Trump, is that the lightside can have our double-agents too, right?

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