Okay, I don’t know anything about that new cyber trook that is hot on the market, but I do know some things:

  1. I know there is an insidious plan to make gas cars obsolete and to put everyone on electric. We all know this push for electric is coming from the top… down… we surely know there is a better way than our current gas guzzling vehicles… however why does every solution ‘they’ offer, come with more slavery.
  2. Electric cars can easily be shut off if you misbehave.
  3. How about the three-quarters Faraday cage on wheels eh? Endless frequencies bouncing around inside that metal box, that quite frankly may have been specifically shaped for such purpose.
  4. What about the data the vehicle collects?
  5. Are the new vehicles collecting BIOMETRICS!!! C’MON PEOPLE SNAP OUT OF IT!
  6. Are the new vehicles made for Homo Sapien or Homo Borg Genesis… the new android hybrid that lots of sinister technologies appear to be creating.
  7. We all the pay the price for these vehicles… it’s a PREMIUM price… for all the energy grids get put under immense strain… who pays for the needed upgrades? Everybody. Yup… everybody pays the price to have these vehicles on the road.
  8. Quite frankly, these vehicles that collect all that data, are basically spying machines! Dang.
  9. Do I see more freedom or slavery in these new vehicles? SLAVERY! To own one of these is to be a slave trying to stand above the other slaves.
  10. Let’s not forget to tally the overall effect on the environment for these vehicles… the batteries, the metal… the bigness of everything, more leather… more plastic… more glass.
  11. Now we all pay the price for the self-driving thingy too… and I believe this is why they are taking older models off the markets… anything that isn’t digital isn’t acceptable to their GREAT RESET WHICH WE CAN SEE INVOLVES TRANSPORTATION.

What the overall theme of these ‘next level’ products, is that they are all conspiring together in a gigantic plan to enslave humanity, by converting us into acceptable android hybrids, that can be remote controlled and who are permanently monitored. THERE IS MORE SLAVERY BUILT INTO THESE PRODUCTS, NOT MORE FREEDOM.

You have been warned.

Even without these vehicles… the smart city and grid, as I have been saying, is not built for Homo Sapien, it is built for Homo Borg Genesis, as are some of these next level products. New medicine, is the same. The jabs? Obviously. Beyond this specific example… there are ingredients to turn people into these mutant androids, in the food and water, and air. So trust that this issue is much much bigger than a few corporations… it is all the major ones, who are working to snuff out the Sapien in us, and to force their machines into our blood, that make antennas and feed on our lifeforce.

This isn’t a joke folks. You don’t have years to figure this stuff out… the conversion within EACH HUMAN is either happening, or something happened to counteract it. The clotshot creatures which may be the antennas that will then carry a unique energy signature…. but beyond that… we are not dealing with new technology… the WBAN network has existed for 28 years… the network that hooks your body up the internet of things… the network that enables next generation ‘medical treatments and practices’.


These people who conspire against the rest of us, to force a downgrade… they are losing you know… just know that, but don’t sit on your ass and be wowed by your slavery! Geez lol… okay, blessings, Indian

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