Yes the house is on fire.
Yes it is intense.
But you don’t have to go down in flames.
Life is still beautiful.
This is not a time to continue to be cowardly.
You are not going to save yourself with memes.
You cannot hide from the flames.
You cannot hide from the fire inside.
You are not protecting yourself or saving yourself by not standing up.
You have made a lifestyle out of hiding.
You hide from yourself, God, your enemies and the flames.
You are still addicted.
You are still afflicted.
You are still childish.
Now because you continue your cowardly foolishness… you are microwaved alive.
You enemies know very well, that you don’t stand up for yourself or for hardly anything.
Even in war, you expect someone else to carry you, to rescue you… to live for you.
You are not as humble as you think you are.
However it is you continue to fool yourself, God is not fooled by you.
You refuse to listen to the light, when you are uncomfortable.
You still think Christ is going to be crucified ‘for you’, yet again!
The more you pretend to play your stupid games, the more the good guys trying to help you, are crucified.
Even as you are microwaved in your sleep, you think you are taking the high road.
You think being microwaved is the only way to victory.
You think it is worth it that other people die, for your cowardness.
You claim you don’t know what to do… because it is convenient for you.
You think you are a tough person, when in reality, you are scared to admit that your enemies are laughing at you as they microwave you.
They already have your coffin built… it is plastic… it is for several corpses.
You are nothing to them, and so you think nothing of it, to silently die for them.
You are not living… you are a zombie with a slight pulse.
They turned you into half-machine, and you never put up a fight, and still don’t.
You have so little humanity in you, that you are depopulating yourself, for your enemies.
You are not as brave as you think you are, because you are scared that someone will call you a name.
You never or barely hear the living shout at you to wake your ass up.
You don’t come together in unity… in your hiding spot!
You hide… hide… and hide some more, until Christ’s crucifixion has come and gone.
You say ‘hey buddy… let’s unify’… which really means, ‘christ I hope you don’t die trying to rescue me, but I ain’t changing a damn thing’.
Hey Christ… go save the world while I cheer you on, and hide from my own shadow.
Hey Christ… how about some love… as I NEVER would ever DARE to share your words to help you out… how about that Christ… is that enough ‘love’ for you?
Hey Christ… what is taking you so long? Can’t you see I’m impatient? Can’t you see that I deserve to be rescued from my own self?
You literally now chew computer parts in your food.
You literally have computer parts raining down from the sky.
You literally breathe in computer parts.
You literally have computer parts establishing themselves in your organs.
You are not tired of slavery, you EMBRACE it!
Things are about to get much worse for you now.
This is the bed you have made.
You have become a walking corpse, scared to be alive.
Somehow in your twisted delusional fantasy, you have become the tough coward.
You talk a good game, but that’s about it.
You are all talk and all silence.
You think life is beautiful as long as someone else saves you.
You are happy to cannibalize christ for another day.
You think you are wise, but you are only clever at best.
You think your fear is love.
You think there is power in being cowardly.
Have you risen above one addiction, let alone your enemy?
Have you become a better person, or the best slave you could possibly be?
Remember, these words as you sleep on your haarp mattress.
Remember these words… someone has been screaming at you for years and years, and you have heard little to nothing.
You will try your best to forget these words… because some meme from a stranger is calling you, and those are the calls you will answer.
When christ calls you, you truly hear almost nothing, or literally nothing.
You expect Christ and God to cater to you delusions.
You don’t serve Christ or God, but you will happily bend over for another computer chip happy meal.
You eat insects because you are also turning into a monkey hybrid.
They have been tweaking your DNA for decades too.
Your cowardly legacy is that you are now part machine and part monkey and you hope Christ will die on your behalf as you hide from your own image and shadow.
Can you not see that you have slept way too long? I can answer that… ‘no’ you cannot see it yet… because it is about to get worse, and for that you have my compassion, that this is the best you’ve got thus far.
All of your nightmares will have to come true, for you to wake up from the madness.
You are scared of your nightmares that you will willingly choose to die by.
You don’t even know God’s or Christ’s name, and you barely care, if at all.
You probably can’t hear one message from God or Christ, and you like it that way.
Your biggest accomplishment, is to be the best slave possible.
Remember, these words have reached you, as you are likely being microwaved right now… science can prove it, but that’s not part of your delusion so you will even turn away from science too.
Your cell phone, and/or your computer have become your padded cell.