IITM: This message from Lord Ashtar, aligns with this one:

Humans Divided In Two Groups: One Vibrates Very Low And Second One Is Frustrated And Ready To Ascend

and this one!

Ashtar Delivers Stunning Warning To Humanity!! New Earth Will Be Given To Advanced Civilization… Unascending Humans Will Have To Leave Earth!!


  1. Help, I am unvaccinated and was recently hurt by a doctor and almost bled to death. They gave me two blood transfusions in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. I have to think that the blood would have been ‘vaccinated’ blood and it saved my life. Now I am extremely upset that I accidentally became vaccinated. Feeling very depressed and down now. I think that I would have rather died than have that poison flow through my veins. I have been researching since 2020 when Covid 19 was released and know what is going on. What to do?

  2. Hello Maxine, I also did not take the shot.This is what to do. You won,t know if there were contaminants in the blood,so expect it could have everything. For blood that has spike protein contaminents, or graphine oxide, take artisiminin 100 mg daily for a month. Stop and give the liver a break. Make tea from white pine needles from Maine. Follow directions for how many cups per day. Eat fresh celentro, garlic(easy on the garlic as it thins blood),curcumin. Milk thistle supplements,200mg only daily selenium,NAC to increase your glutathion, melatonin. They all remove heavy metals. Filtered water and lemon juice helps to alkalize. You can buy test strips off the internet cheaply. Filtered water and 1/2 teaspoon of arm and hammer baking soda preferably in the evening when you are sure to ge near a bathroom, will aalkalize you. On the net there is a acid/alkaline food chart. Eat 80% alkaline foods. Now if theblood has snake venum in it, get Rugby clear nicotine transdermal system patches, one step 21. Contains 14 patches. Cut first patch in half and stick it on your arm, next day use the other half, next day use whole patch ultil all 14 are gone. If you are a smoker, that is good because niccotine disables snake venum, and stops it from digesting your organs. Also take either chewable vitamin C orr liposomal C . C also disables snake venum. You will have to test yourself by taking a 200 mg dose and seeing how you react to it. Increase the C up to 1000 if your body can handle it. When bowels are too loose your body is telling you that’s enough, back off. C. Also cleanses your liver. Bentonite clay helps draw toxins. Follow directions or go on net for amount to use. I was prescribed Liscinapril and took it until it made me weak and tired, I researched. it has snake venom from the Jackaraka snake in brazil. Fortunately I take a good amount of C every day so there wasnt much damage. So check out any scripts ordered for you , on the net. You decide. Since people who have taken the jab are shedding, we have to keep detoxifying. And of course we are polluted with water, air and sprayed foods. The tobacco patches can put a dent in budget. I will research organic tobacco supplements or tea and get back to you. It is scary. i know. I broke my hip in March and am due for another operation in the spring. Looking into MedBeds and healing centers that use waves. There is hope.

    • You’ve got some really good ideas Merrilee, thanks for sharing. Also, thanks for your support for my efforts to share truth with humanity, as some of us… we hit the eject button on this reality, and bounce over into fifth dimensional expression and experiences.

      I really like this info., you gathered, and had no idea they were using snake venom in prescriptions, and it makes one wonder about the other prescriptions, what some of it actually is.

      Boron has a great effect on bone strength, and it doesn’t seem to be toxic, people may even be under-dosing with it. It creates strong bones, teeth, connective tissue, and isn’t it interesting that it could have been added as fertilizer, but it was to healthy for us, so they didn’t do that.

      Key minerals I like to go heavier on, are negatively charged and include iodine, boron, sulfur, silica, oxygen.

      Negatively-charged chlorine is not needed as we already have lots of it in salted foods, and phosphorous is negatively charged and over added to soil as fertilizer.

      Vitamin intake goes ‘next level’ with sprouting, and then ‘next level’ again, with fermentation.

      Oh, by the way, I can add 1-2 tablespoons of ORGANIC MINERALS, via diatomaceous earth, which cleans and remineralizes. Imagine doing this for one month and that’s potentially 30-60 tablespoons of absorbable minerals, and blood that is sure to be clean and well fed. One lady that did 2 tablespoons a day of D.E. had blood work done, and the lab had never seen such clean blood.

  3. Hello again, Maxine. Never make tea with tobacco. It has a history of causing fatality. Piping Rock on the net has test strips for alkaline/ acid testing saliva and urine. American cigarette companies put poisons in the tobacco and in the paper . That is why cigarettes are cancer causing. The nicotine in tobacco and vitamin C go right to the nicotine receptors in your body and cancel the snake venom. Next to tobacco, eggplant contains the next highest amount of nicotine, then potatoes, tomatoes,cailiflower,green pepper, black pepper, cayenne,pimento,chili pepper. Smoking unadulterated organic tobacco is known to clear the lungs. Be well, take care.

    • Thank you my Angel❤️. Hopefully, I will feel better soon. God Bless You. I hope to get better and heal others as that is why I think I am here. I will pass your guidance on. With much love, Maxine🥰

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