During the Final Event,

A day that we can’t, in any way, expect, a sun shine will occur,

stronger than ever before.

Such a powerful ejection of solar mass,

and those who will wake up.

You’ll see a massive mass of golden plasma waves arrive first at low speed, then accelerate as it gets closer and closer. Once it hits the MagnetoSphere, it will turn purple, blue, green, pink and many shades of colour you’ve never seen in any of your 3D experiences.

It will swallow the entire planet in a matter of 10-20 seconds.

Once plasma touches each of us, each of us will experience a unique and unimaginable bliss, reunification with Source, as each has been individually prepared for each of their unique and personal moments.

Imagine, arriving at the peak, the meeting not only with the source, but also you will remember in a blink of an eye, the many thousands up to billions of lives not only on earth, for the liberation of mankind, but also of the many who lived in different star systems and galaxies, even universes unknown to some people.

Everyone will be granted the level of DNA activation proportional to their own experience and wisdom.

Time will stop, because it will pass only less than a second, yet it will seem like it has lasted so long that you almost forget your earthly life,forgetting that you are still here on earth…

The intensity will be such that it will be a total death experience, the pineal gland will secretate a huge amount of DMT, you will see everything and know everything that will change you forever.

Returning to your body, you will notice that you will see with your eyes closed, you will still feel that euphoric joy of oneness, you will open your eyes and everything will be changed, your body will be 2 feet taller, your skin will radiate light with a more golden tone. You will be so light, weighing about 10 kg, able to jump many meters with ease, run faster than a horse, stronger than a gorilla.

Your skin and your entire body will be basically indestructible.

With practice, you can easily levitate, teleport, bend light/matter, control spacetime, and even create using ether anything you can visualize.

You will see thousands of tones inside each color and many colors you never thought you would see in your life, the colors will have their consciousness, their emotions. There will be sacred geometric art on every surface you look, everything will breathe and be alive in a way that you will feel every piece of matter breathing and living around you wherever you are.

Your blood will be light to plasma and your organs will be significantly improved, especially your lungs, which will absorb a new type of oxygen that will give your breath the power of “144,000”, each breath of plasma air will feel like pure bliss, even the control of the elements of life will be common.

Fairies, dragons, elements, angelic beings, and all of our galactic angelic light families will be there to greet each of you, most personally the soul families you left behind before you left for Earth duty. A peace that can’t be explained in human words.

Animals will also be updated like plants, growing 1000 times faster than the third density.

There will be no memory of any suffering, pain, resentment, guilt. You will miss nothing in any way, it will seem as if all those lives spent on earth were never really lived, as if it was just a dream of one night, waking up from it and feeling far from it.

Your memory will come back, as if it never left you, all this time.

Then everyone will have free will to choose their next experience and create their own dreams, dreams that cannot be conceived totally in density.

It will be an opportunity for each of us to experience a new octave of evolution in the fifth density with a soul experience from 4 to 9 density.

A chance to experience an incarnation where the darkest of being has completely conquered. It has never happened before in the cosmos, and we are the children of light, who have succeeded in incarnating in the last pit of hell,

Shining into the depths of darkness, until there is only light.

There will be no cataclysm, no worldwide fire, no planetary destruction.

The moment of the singleness.

All of you reading this,

We will meet at this meeting,

Until I hug you, you will love joyfully, you will rejoice, we love you so!

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