Jesus knew that the future humans would get mostly everything wrong and would fall for a false cult.
Jesus could not even trust most of his apostles.
Jesus knew he was going to die, after he lost his temper.
Jesus thought God was going to rescue him at the last moment.
Jesus did not have the Gregorian calendar to tell him when his birthday would be.
Jesus was born August 8, 8 B.C. (before Christ).
Jesus true teachings can be found in the Talmud of Immanuel.
Jesus had rides on spaceships.
Jesus visited the natives of North America, who still remember him.
Jesus did not teach people to replace him with God.
Jesus was not big into materialism.
Jesus told them, that the next teacher would be from a peace loving country in the north.
Jesus preferred to be baptized by John, who ate bugs and owned nothing, rather than anyone of any sort of social standing.
Jesus was not as supernatural as the bible makes him out to be.
Jesus was visited by Pleiadian extraterrestrials.
Jesus made errors.
Jesus knew the people of the future would be arrogant and ignorant, but some would eventually see the truth.
Jesus knew that those who followed him, did not really know him.
Jesus did not heal people, but rather he inspired and taught them to heal themselves.
Jesus did NOT make a sign of a cross over his heart.
Jesus closest friend was Judas, who did not betray him.
Jesus knew his teachings would be made into false teachings.
Jesus said he did not come to bring peace, but rather to bring truth and knowledge.
Jesus believed in sterilization of certain people.
Jesus said false cult of the future (Christianity) will bring death, not life.

Phoenix Jouranl 2
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By Sananda & Judas Iscarioth
199 Pages (116)
The story of the life of the one commonly known as Jesus of Nazareth as told by Jesus and the disciple Judas Iscarioth. Absolute clarification of the numerous falsifications, misrepresentations, lies and misconceptions concerning that time period and Jesus’ teachings are presented.

A document was discovered in 1963 by a Greek Catholic Priest who had become a “contact” for the Cosmic Messengers who led him to this “lost” scroll. This Priest was persecuted and finally was killed, but not before he translated part of it and gave it to another man, Billy Meier from Switzerland, who would also become a contact. This document represents the true story of the life of the one commonly known as “Jesus of Nazareth”. It is told by Jesus AND his disciple Judas Iscarioth who was also his scribe. For the first time in history Judas Iscarioth’s name is cleared because he was NOT the one who “betrayed” Jesus. Absolute clarification of the numerous falsifications, misrepresentations and history 2000 years ago is given. Some of the many questions answered are:

* How was Christ conceived and why Mary was chosen?
* What was His true name at birth (Immanuel) and why was it changed to “Jesus” which means “The Anointed”?
* Who were the actual “teachers” of Immanuel?
* Who is GOD and what is THE CREATION above God?
* What are the true Laws of God and The Creation?
* What did Immanuel teach about Personal Responsibility?
* Who actually “betrayed” Immanuel and why was Judas Iscarioth blamed?
* What is the true purpose of Baptism?
* What was the purpose and meaning of Immanuel’s Crucifixion and the Resurrection?
* What became of Immanuel after His Resurrection?
* What is the “Curse of Israel” and why is there a curse?
* What is Immanuel’s and OUR connection with Celestial Messengers?
* Are we on Earth currently living in “The End Times” as predicted in Revelations?
* Why did Immanuel promise to return to us and do we know when?

Other topics include: Mary seeded by Gabriel, Guardian Angel of the Sons of Heaven. The actual teachings of the Master are given as spoken at that time. Clarification regarding God and The Creation. The Laws of The Creation and The Commandments are given in clear definitive language. The name of Judas Iscarioth is cleared as not being the one who betrayed Jesus. Statements by Jesus are provided, as spoken at that time, concerning falsification of his teachings over two thousand years. Strong warnings regarding false teachings. Words of great strength, power, light and healing at a soul-level. (Index included)