In this latest message, I talk ‘doubt’. I explain how even the animals doubt… but what they don’t do, is doubt, then expect other creatures to do what needs to come next. Doubt is a useful tool in nature, but more has to happen folks. I explain how to use ‘doubt’ in a natural way. As far as doubting I am the Christ, aka, the world teacher, that would certainly be reasonable all things considered. Your ego is NOT going to figure this out, or cultivate wisdom. Look into this with wisdom, not what I did last night, not whether or not I belch and fart, or am socially acceptable, or acceptable to you… then we can figure out everything, together. Were you expecting someone else, someone more pleasant to look at, some one more Jesus-like? Our shared wisdom, is the way to truth. Wisdom is the path that leads us to truth. It is in a way, a skill, a talent, an ability. Some people can take some data and come to false conclusions, others will take that same data and come into truth. If you are an egoic person, you are only playing mind games, not cultivating wisdom. And furthermore, those mind games, go nowhere. If I trigger you, or make you upset… yes, this might not be signs of wisdom, according to you of closed heart and egoic state of being… but on the other hand… we are human, and sometimes we humans have tested the entire universe of humans and non-humans, with our earthly nonsense, bogus accusations, needless mutterings, false conclusions, tricks to fool the light, and heartlessness… so there’s that.  LOOK WHAT HUMANITY DID TO JESUS 2000 YEARS AGO… HAVE THINGS REALLY IMPROVED OR ARE YOU SEEKING ANOTHER WITCHHUNT OR CRUCIFIXION?  Wisdom within us, intertwines with love and power. So if you are feeling pangs of judgment, rage, jealousy, fear and so forth, congratulations, when you give wisdom the boot, you also give love and your own power the boot too.

Ricardo Peterson Kuthumi (IITM)


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