IITM: Sounds good… and safe and affordable, and even super accessible. I’ve been doing lots of olive oil and eating lots of olives these days, and feeling better than ever.  I did notice some extra bloating because of the excess salt from the olives, but I simply drink more water to help balance that out.

Having a clean blood is definitely something I work at, and that’s why I was surprised to hear some new ringing in my ears.  Do you hear anything new?


  1. There might be LOTS of info I could share w/you, about numerous things.
    Because, you have said or hinted at some Things.
    The health stuff, cuz of career & interests.
    Other stuff, because of being in the right place at the right times, & “somehow” knowing to pay close attention.

    THE HUM: & its changes over time….
    It’s everywhere, but, depending on what the geology is where a person hearing it is; depending on structure one is in that might magnify it or dull it; it can sound different. BUT, I can report, that in the couple weeks ahead of 9*1*1, the hum got VERY much louder, & busier. If you know what a huge generator inside Hoover dam sounds & feels like, when it 1st starts-up from a full-stop—that is how The Hum has sounded to me, for several decades—approximately. Over time, it has had slight changes.
    In some years leading up to that millennial event, the baseline hum stayed pretty much the same, but, overcast on that, was a winding-up & a winding down system….kinda like sending Morse Code as part of the Hum mechanism. It changed, in relation with political things happening.
    So…for about a week before that big event, it was increasingly busy sending coded messages—& in the day or two ahead of that event, it was very loud & very non-stop, 24/7.
    Then, the morning of that event, we awoke to a friend nearly banging our door down, wanting to see the news…it was around 6 or 7 a.m., PST.
    As my brain fog cleared, it was obvious the Hum & its messages had totally quit—it had NEVER entirely quit, not in over 20+ years. But it had totally stopped—dead silence I had not recalled hearing since maybe back in the early 1960s.
    Then, after 24 hrs., it restarted….exactly….the same sound as one of the giant generators starting- up in Hoover dam. . I use that to compare, because, we traveled there when I was a kid, & I felt & heard one being started-up from a dead-stop. . It’s audible, palpable, unmistakable. . There’s nothing else even close to being like that, that I know of, except, maybe sort-of like a jet engine starting—but those are Different.
    Afterwards, there were scant coded messages on it.
    And, it started changing.
    When DTs minions put him in office (very much against what had been planned about 60 years before it), the Hum changed significantly, again.
    It’s had more tones added to the coded streams of info sent.
    But it still gets much busier right ahead of something political or world event.
    For some time now, it’s been impossible to distinguish between the baseline Hum, & the constant, very busy other tones traveling on the baseline.
    When some folks started really reporting the Hum, maybe back in the late 1980s, early 1990s, some got experts with good tools to try measuring it—before that, it had been ridiculed.
    But, military instruments DID pick it up & measure it—tho, they denied knowledge of it, & denied it was related to military. & many thot it was only in the SW States.
    Actual tinnitus is caused by micro-liths….tiny crystallizations that float in the inner ear semicircular canals, & bump into micro-cilia in there….that, & inflammation….those can cause amazing varieties of sounds in the ears, & can cause wicked-bad vertigo.
    And, those sounds are inside our heads.
    But, there are also sounds ..outside.. of us, that not all have been able to hear—until more recently—now, more are hearing a bit more, but, most are told it’s the above kind…not the external—that’s still being denied by docs & officials. & it’s tricky to get people to tell the difference, especially after decades of dumbing-down people so they barely, if at all, know their own bodies & functions.
    But it seems getting louder, & as that happens, more will be able to maybe tell the difference.
    It’s currently confused with actual tinnitus, & mostly ignored by officials & docs.
    By design.
    It might be secret weapons broadcasting it (like The HAARP arrays) or, it might be coming from way farther outside our planet… but since it is disruptive & hurtful to so many who hear it—I think, it’s from bad players, here.

    WHAT is very likely going on in the world. Etc.
    Too much to type right now. But generally, more like, there’s some evolutionary upgrade, that may separate those who get it, from those who didn’t.
    That MIGHT be why the Denosovians, then Neanderthals , & older humans, died out & modern humans dominated.
    That MIGHT have been the source of recurrent stories that epic die-offs, Ragnarok, the Flood, etc. came from, as well as “the 2nd coming” stories, & the story models for the Armageddon story models.
    Any wonder why all in power worked to destroy or hide artifacts, & to corrupt stories, ever since?—those older stories made it too hard to control increasing populations, after those kinds of events. Constantine did a great job of condensing it all, & distilling the stories down to just the nuggets. . But, as more have begun waking-up, & feeling gaslighted by religions & govts & all kinds of officials & mainstream media, they are dropping out of old “knowledge” strictures, & going for other expanded knowledge.

    I’ve seen, heard things people did not think I was paying attention to, for over 70 years.
    Pretty sure that since I was, there surely must be lots of others who have, too.

    Yes…industries have been warring against electromagnetic body systems.
    It’s a great strategy for creating “Borg”….fast forward to New World Order thinking, + Bezos, Musk, et al.
    & digital developers trying to implant digital AI links into our brains.
    & there’s utility reps & more, who have literally told me, “if you think 5G is bad, wait til 6G USES the body to carry, transmit & send signals for media!”
    Imho, those pulling the strings do NOT want us aware of our natural “spiritual” selves & our connections with universe. Those have vested interests in keeping us Subjugated.

    Yes! They have been doing everything they can, to make the world’s ambiance so overwhelming as to deafen us to the “reality of The Universe”.
    Those have been working at this subjugation process for way over 200 years.
    It only got marginally better after Plantation slavery in the US was converted to job slavery after the Civil War, but, it’s trying to revert again.
    Ask yourself, “WHY was the Georgia Guidestones monument destroyed…so late in the game?”
    There’s quite a bit public has been kept ignorant of, about the Civil War.

    I’m old now. So, not much nor important a target worth bothering….

    • Wow, you sound extremely well-informed in this area, and it is blessing that you have shared what you already have shared. I’m going to add your comment as a post, because I believe this is a huge subject that deserves more awareness.

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