This is from the same channeler, (A.S.) who channeled the message from Pleiadian Commander Hakann, that Donald Trump is dead.

Thanks A.S., and Esmeralda and the other Pleiadians who are helping with the situation on earth, in the solar system and beyond.  Come by for an open visit on earth’s service eh?

Since the Pleiadians would be some of the first in First Contact initiatives… here is what is said about galactic divine intervention, for planet earth!!

The Yellow Ray – Lightfeed

New York City Mega Disaster Is Coming Soon!!  NY Is Literally…

January 10, 2024

US Supreme Court: Vaccinated People Are Products, Not Humans!!

January 10, 2024

Galactic Federation & Ashtar Command Divine Intervention In 2024 Or 2025…

January 10, 2024

Your Energy Is The Message And The Mission!!

January 10, 2024

Watch Japan Liquification Mud Flood Tsunami… A Sign Of Imminent Major Worldwide Earth…

January 10, 2024

Are They Hiding Nibiru In Every Single Major Disaster Movie??!! Nibiru…

January 10, 2024

Donald J. Trump Is Dead!! Gray Hats Have Failed, Humanity Is…

January 10, 2024

Donald Trump Died But From What?? Assassination?? Too Much Pressure??? Bad…

January 10, 2024

Man Who Channeled “Donald Trump Is Dead” Statement By Pleiadian Military…

January 10, 2024

OMG Did Earth Get Spattered With Nibiru Dust?? See For Yourself…

January 10, 2024

Miami Mall Best “Alien” Explanation!! Man’s Honest Witness Testimony Jives With…

January 10, 2024

Miami Mall “Alien” Truth Revealed! Reptilian Human Hybrid Shapeshifter In Miami Mall…

January 10, 2024

Video Of 10 Foot Tall Creature At Miami Mall Has Emerged!!…

January 10, 2024

The Yellow Ray Experiencing Turbulence

January 9, 2024

Galactic Federation & Ashtar Command Divine Intervention 2024 Or 2025 Unless…

January 2, 2024


  1. I am so happy that you are back. I have prayed to God for restoration of your site. The enemy really wanted you gone because of your spiritual content with messages from God, Sananda and other great masters.

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