There is nothing to really hang on to in the outside physical side, except as a crutch, before one begins to spiritually walk, and then eventually becoming a complete physical embodiment of self. Experience more power by experiencing more you. Why be frustrated in your life, when you could put more you into your entire existence? While the earth humans keep their heads to the ground, earth is getting hit with major gamma radiation from Creator… it’s like a planetary carwash. You are being sprayed clean, just enjoy the wash, do not fight it unless you are into punching yourself in the face… do not try to direct a water droplet to hit you by your directions. Your ego is being humbled and called back into it’s rightful place as servant to your soul. As a result, you are simply being called to be more responsible at all times. If you want things to happen, be still and let it happen, put some energy into it… some stillness. You have the power to instantaneously create your hearts desires. Your hearts desires and Creators desires are one. All that nearly limitless creation in your potential… why pretend to be stuck… as if Creator and you, cannot be still together… where things really begin to happen. Of course you may wish to feel unsupported, but then, that would be you not be supportive of you…. why complain of non-support when the non-support is coming from you and we are only making it happen for you. Cheer yourself on… keep lifting out of the black slime… enjoy Creator’s shower, cleaning you up in ways you have no idea. You have Creator’s shower at your back now… maybe not before, when earth was in darkness.. but certainly now… this is the dawning of Homo Sapien (3D) to Homo Christos (5D)… a quantum leap for all lifeforms on the planet, who resonate with it. You know that you can always come up with more reasons and more ways to let more light in. Why not give your whole self, another chance, since you are infinite anyways and are here right now? Your eternal soul will forever learn by trial, error, experiment and unintended circumstances, and your soul will experience itself becoming more appreciative of being given a universe to explore all the nuances of being alive as a human going through an incredible quantum leap… but ah yes…the crushing blows of life… mostly by your design dear child… these when overcome are said to make the victories all the more sweeter. What do you want… the sweetness or the bitterness of your eternal life? When get bored of shadow boxing with yourself, you could come up with several ways to have some victories of your soul during this great dawning of humanity’s fifth dimensional expression… your new expression… how will it be? You tell us! LOL… you are loved and cherished… are you going ‘up’ or ‘down’? Your environment has greatly changed beyond your comprehension as well, and you have changed in ways you don’t comprehend at this moment, either. By the way, Creator is sending many more waves of cleansing energy… Creator is taking this planetary ride ‘up’…. so why not go ‘up’, get more ‘still’ inside to become more powerful… take the quantum leap, where you jump into energy that you don’t quite comprehend, knowing that you can jump, and maybe not land on your feet all the time, but you will still get up and try again, not because you are a masochist, but because you are infinitely experimenting with who you are. Surely you are curious to see and taste the fruit trees that your soul has planted all these lifetimes? All those lifetimes… for the sweetness of this lifetime… taste… savour… delight… be willing to enjoy yourself, even in great challenges…. and remember, Creator’s got the hose…


Indian in the machine


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What if everyone suddenly all around us, including ourselves, were finding ourselves involved in one way or another, by a hidden plan to change the DNA of humanity, to create a new species, that is genetically altered, remote-control programmable, destined to live in a planned permanent prison!??  These are some essential study notes to help navigate the final battle between light and dark… see for yourself, if you can afford to miss out on this critical document.