Well guys, this IS interesting…. Nibiru (Nemesis Star System) is a catalyst for the solar flashes… https://officeoftheworldteacher.wordpress.com/2024/03/09/lady-nada-hints-solar-flashes-are-triggered-by-nibiru/

Oh there’s more… World Teacher & Friends has a new “Nemesis Star System” category, and it has been mentioned quite a bit over the past few years. https://officeoftheworldteacher.wordpress.com/category/nemesis-star-system-nibiru/

Now it makes sense why they put an artificial sun in front of our viewpoint of the sun, and why the sunflowers have turned away from the sun. They don’t want us looking to close at the sun to see what is really going on!

April 8th Total Eclipse Could Reveal Nibiru Next To Sun And The May Say It Is The “Devil Comet”!!

Earth is a burning building…


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