
RPK (IITM):  This is interesting.  Perhaps the public is realizing, that all this idolation of celebrities isn’t exactly benefiting the public… in fact, it may be harming the public for myriad of reasons.  Reasons such as:

1. Presenting certain people as role models, who don’t deserve it.  In fact, some may be the faces of depopulation agendas.

2.  It encourages a value system, that doesn’t value what’s inside of all of us… and our relationships with Creator.

3.  It is a waste of money, because the public ends of paying for all their sponsorship, and high wages.

4.  It encourages superficiality, rather than authenticity.

5.  It gives more power to hidden power structures.

6.  It keeps the public living in the past.

Oh, there’s more reasons… the point being, is that having a few people overly benefit from making deals with the devil, isn’t something that the public needs, or benefits from. Sure, some people are talented, honest, loving, and heartful… but these ones aren’t usually the ones promoted.

I’m glad celebrity culture is dying, and I’m glad that humans are seeking something hgiher… something, true… something like love.  But even go beyond seeking love, simply ‘be’ love… and then take action to create the world you truly desire… the universe is at our backs now.  If something didn’t work before, try again. Believe in you as a powerful loving, and wise… christ!

Richard Peterson Kuthumi (IITM) Indian in the machine (lightwork) / World Teacher & Friends (spiritual) / The Yellow Ray (updates) / Before Its News Contributor Feed / Indian in the machine YouTube / Bitchute / Donorbox / Paypal / Shop / MOST POWERFUL WORDS EVER HEARD IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD – THE GREAT PETITIONS / New book coming soon! “Everyday Christ”