IITM: This is an important testimony because it jives with the explanation of FOUR GALACTIC SOURCES!!

Miami Mall “Alien” Truth Revealed! Reptilian Human Hybrid Shapeshifter In Miami Mall Was A Real Event Confirmed By Four Galactic Sources!! Galactic Federation Issues Warning!!

It is important because humanity is in a wave of psyops from every direction… and this event is NO different.

We KNOW there tons of cops… much more than usual for a usual false flag.

We KNOW the galactics can tell us what is going on, on earth, if we communicate with them.

We KNOW we are in, or more truthfully, coming out of a galactic war.

We KNOW our 3D earth matrix is show it’s tattered edges, and is quite frankly, dissolving.

From what I comprehend, we are NOT under any sort of attack, and it’s no longer possible.

However, that doesn’t mean there are no disagreements, 4th dimensional squirmishes, and those who do not want peace.

This is one of several images of different creatures coming out… some of them are ridiculous, others cartoonish… but this one seems different.

Video Of 10 Foot Tall Creature At Miami Mall Has Emerged!!…

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