1. Galactic Federation suggests it was a reptilian human hybrid shapeshifter!  They issue a warning that we should not energetically engage in negative beings who are seeping through into our reality.  LET’S BE CLEAR, SOME OF YOU WOULD HAVE BEEN TEMPTED TO TAKE SELFIES WITH IT… DON’T PULL THAT SH(* FOLKS… THE GALACTIC WAR IS REAL, AND WE MUST ATTRACT HIGH FREQUENCY VISITORS TO ASSIST US, NOT BE ENTERTAINED BY THE NEIGHBOURHOOD SHAPESHIFTER BAR FIGHTS!

2. The Arcturians, Zeta Greys and Tall Whites suggest something similar!

 Channer Ivan Teller’s website

Arcturian notes:

-Wasn’t intentional

-No need to know names

-Reptilian connection

-A mutated alien species; hybrid with reptilian DNA

-It was aggravated, it was uncomfortable

-This a glimpse of an unseen war

-spreading out low frequencies for whatever reason

Zeta notes:

-Dispute was lack of communication and self-indulgence

-One alien species picked a fight with the other one

-Just got aggressive but it wasn’t their intention to appear, but they just got angry and didn’t care

-Think of bullies having a crisis

-Far from being respected alien groups started the fight, the ones stopping the fight are those you seen.

-They are just monitoring and protecting area

-They are not there to cause difficulties

Tall Whites notes:

-Our reality allowed a door to open, the door closes.

IITM: I heard years ago that the reptilians who are wearing human meat suits would eventually begin to lose their ability to hold their human form, and would begin to glitch… I wonder if we may be seeing more of this, but it specifically does sound like a one-time event.  So it’s alien bar fight and they didn’t stay in the ring, is what it sounds like. C’mon guys, check your anger at the solar system… or leave!

Here is a previous repost on this extraordinary event!

Video Of 10 Foot Tall Creature At Miami Mall Has Emerged!! Let’s Go With It…

IITM: Okay, so I’ve been waiting for a video that feels credible regarding this Miami ‘giant alien sighting’ event.

There are a few standout theories for me:

1. Project bluebeam:  Or course, with a fake alien attack planned, why not parachute some ‘ground crew’ to help fan the flames of fear.  We know what they can do with holograms, such as making a whale appear at a school gymnasium. And that was years ago… imagine what can be done today… could holograms be used for false flags? Of course!

For a hologram, there’s not much difference between a whale, or making any lifeform appear, and not only that, those lifeforms can be part of larger agendas, and can even be ‘programmed’ to be supernatural!

2.  A second theory, that is probable, though not as probable as theory #1, is the idea that the Annunaki are going to walk among us.  I personally have known this to be true, although, it appeared like the timeline of Nibiru and a reunion with the Annunaki, seemed so far away.

However there have been RECENT DEVELOPMENTS that suggest NIBIRU IS CLOSER TO EARTH THAN EVER BEFORE!  Please pay attention to the red dust that recently blanketed parts of the northern hemisphere!!!!!!!!!!

3. Spiritual teachers are also hinting that Nibiru is real, and that all these earth changes are about earth reaching a cyclic point with Nibiru.

“The Event” Is Nibiru-Earth Cyclic Point, Suggests Maitreya!!

4. As part of this energetic reunion with Nibiru, do we also meet ‘our makers’… the Annunaki.  These could be real beings, or again, holograms, but the source of these holograms could be not from Project Bluebeam, but from the real deal… our makers.

5.  The whole thing could actually be a hoax of some sort. but the massive police presence sure was real…. someone mentioned over 100 police officers were assigned to the area, and electricity was cut off?? Seems false flaggy to me.

We know we are in a time where false flags are merging with real events, and some of those events will be of a “Divine Intervention” kinda nature.  However, the era of false flags is coming to a close, and this occurs at the same time, earth continues to receive the energies that prime us to evolve, grow, and to meet our galactic, spiritual and universal families.

6.  We are also being primed for galactic Divine Intervention.  However as part of that Divine Intervention, we are also challenged to not sit around wait for aliens to save us… rather, they want to work with us, not for us, nor do we work for them.

7.  We are also being primed for false alien invasion… why not via holograms??

These were transparent creatures.

Then again… so too could sixth dimensional Anunnaki, be transparent.


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