1. In this powerful video, Ivan Teller helps four galactic representatives, drop bombshells on the Miami mall incident.

2.  Now he’s been demonetized for no specific reason!

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4. Come and check out THE YELLOW RAY:


Miami Mall Best “Alien” Explanation!! Man’s Honest Witness Testimony Jives With…

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Miami Mall “Alien” Truth Revealed! Reptilian Human Hybrid Shapeshifter In Miami Mall…

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Video Of 10 Foot Tall Creature At Miami Mall Has Emerged!!…

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The Yellow Ray Experiencing Turbulence

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Galactic Federation & Ashtar Command Divine Intervention 2024 Or 2025 Unless…

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Numerous Humming Sounds And How They Have Changed Over Time… As…

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“The Event” Is Nibiru-Earth Cyclic Point, Suggests Maitreya!!

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Earth Is Round But Can Be Mathematically Proven To Be Flat At…

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On The Way To The Fifth Dimension… There Is This!

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What is Coming in 2024 ~ Ashtar

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Supreme Father: 100 Million People Crossed In To US Via Southern…

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Reptilian Provides Best “Flat Earth” Answer On The Internet

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Creepy Green Laser In The Sky During Storm… Is It Coming…

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Chat GDP Goes Evil Having A Conversation With Itself… Must See…

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