IITM: Yes… chilling.  Of course, the insurance companies love it when cases remain open… happens all the time during disasters.  I remember hearing about the cleanup teams that would snatch the bodies… no body… no insurance payout.

So we don’t hear about:

-Survivors where they are living?

-Survivors… the rebuilding.

-Survivors… reuniting with children and other family members.

-Survivors… their cries for help, by the thousands.

-Survivors… saying how well they are looked after.


People… DON’T FORGET MAUI!!  Even more chilling than all of the above, is the silence of the lambs…. the lambs like some of the ones reading these words, who don’t want to be next, but are also too dead inside to really care.  They don’t want to be next, but they also don’t want to be uncomfortable.  The lambs who would rather have someone else die, so that they can live…. SOUND FAMILIAR???

To help support all of us, I share with you the most powerful words ever heard in the history of the world… these words ARE the antidote to all the earthly messes.

Check out the lightfeed at The Yellow Ray!

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Maui’s Chilling Secrets In 2024 Need To Make It To The Mainland!! IITM: Yes… chilling. Of course, the insurance companies love it when cases remain open… happens all the time during disasters. I remember hearing about the cleanup teams that would snatch the bodies… no body… no insurance payout. So…
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