Dear Ones

Earlier yesterday, Planet Earth experienced another magnificent influx of light, and it’s still going strong!.

Super high vibrational cosmic energy waves are bathing Earth’s atmosphere, registering in Schumann’s resonance chart.

Tonight, the Earth Star Seeds are feeling the intense effects of the very powerful ascension symptoms.

Starseeds bulletin boards are full of reports of these intense symptoms.

Some have commented that the feelings are so strong, they feel overwhelming!.

According to the Pleiadians, it’s time for humanity to ascend to the 5th dimension, and major efforts are being made to recode human DNA to resonate higher.

Human DNA has been vibrating so low for so long, it needs a super amount of energy to push it back to resonate with the Higher Realms.

Your DNA is experiencing a profound transformation from the inside out, and a literal atomic-level reaction is happening inside your cells. This light’s interaction with the human body can be initially shocking.

Integrating this new and powerful information into your cells is a gradual process that takes time and patience.

Many wonder why most people in 3aD realities don’t seem affected.

The reason is that Starseeds have a much greater sensitivity and ability to absorb this light than traditional humans.

And as this light vibrates at such a high frequency, it greatly transcends the three-dimensional level.

Yet a fraction of this light still influences humanity, particularly those who have begun their personal awakening.

As this intense light flows toward the Earth, it is imperative to do all possible to uplift and maintain its vibration at its highest level.

Remember, choose love in all aspects, including a deep love for yourself and your life!.

The fastest way to relieve these strong ascension symptoms is to simply sleep. This is why:


And 2) This is the state where cosmic light integrates into cells and DNA.

Eating raw fruits and light vegetables is critical.

Drink plenty of pure water, spend time in nature to anchor yourself, meditate for an hour and keep crystals close by to help channel energy through your body to Earth.

Things may feel overwhelming right now, but know that the Forces of Light are working overtime, using stronger measures than ever to lift the planet to the next harmonious universe.

Remember you were born for this!.

A key part of your mission on Earth is to receive this light, anchor it in your body, and ground it in the Earth’s energetic networks.

You are a crucial bridge between Heaven and Earth, easing the way for humanity’s ascension.

We honor your commitment to light. Their efforts have been immensely successful and they are close to achieving their ultimate goal.

The Ascension is speeding up, and events are developing rapidly now! This intense phase won’t last forever, and you’re getting closer to the completion of your great mission.

Stay strong and remember to breathe!

Feel free to share your symptoms and ascension experiences.

Good Luck


IITM: I DEFINITELY felt this two nights ago!! I woke up feeling refreshed, in the middle of the night… and this is usually the result of a blast from the sun… and sure enough, something happened!! Did you feel anything? I’ve been going non-stop ever since, with tons of energy… woohoo!


  1. I have been a keeper of the flame for 23 years holding the balance for mankind and practicing the teachings of the Ascended Masters through The Great White Brotherhood. I welcome the 5th dimension and the awakening of our brothers and sisters. There are many like me looking forward the great awakening for all mankind. Charlotte Haley Mizzi

  2. Thank you ,love to all.I hope my wife and I can graduate together.God please.
    My wife just had neck surgery.her name is Joy, she is my best friend and companion. Brothers and sisters please give love and light thoughts to Joy Clayton.I love her like ,Christ, loves us.
    Much love , William. Thank you

    • It is really a soul decision, made even before this lifetime started, but I’m sure we can have at least a bit of influence on that. Blessings to you both of you.

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