Hello new readers, previous readers and supporters of O.N.E. News,

You may or may not know, that O.N.E. News was hit with a series of viruses, and was experiencing some turbulence, during the last few weeks of it’s existence.

As I struggled valiantly to get O.N.E. News back online… LOL… I really did, but I began to realize, that it was like paddling a canoe upstream. I was hit by a total of 182 viruses… and managed to figure out how to get rid of all of them, except one. Beyond, that, sharing news as a Canadian is definitely more risky, and quite frankly, I was wondering if I should even associate with the word ‘news’ at all, at least in the current events sense?

Then O.N.E. News went down.

My hosting provider started giving me some lame excuses.

I began to realize, that if I was to have an enjoyable and effective journey to and in, the fifth dimension, that I could easily let go of O,N.E. News, and embark on a new journey, that would allow me to help as many people as possible, to cultivate the wisdom (yellow ray), power (blue ray), and love (pink ray) within.

Remember folks… we cannot embody fifth dimensional energies, by living in the past, or future… we gotta be ‘here’.

So I want to give you a glimpse into what is here:

The yellow ray is here within me. I AM a keeper of the yellow ray, or yellow flame, whatever you wish to call it.

Not only that, but I am also a sharer of the wisdom that flows through me.

I realized a long time ago, that I could both spiritually seek, spiritually evolve, and spiritually share, at the same time.

Soooo this is why I am glad that you have found these words, for I long to be with people who share a passion of cultivating their own inner wisdom, power and love… and who actively seek out ways to evolve and to help others to do the same.

The Yellow Ray, of course, like O.N.E. News will always be free of membership and subscriptions… because the good news must be free for all.

What is ‘the good news’ you ask?

In my humble opinion, the good news is the news that helps people cultivate and wisdom, power and love within humanity.

Is this something you want to support?

Three ways:



Indian’s Spirit Shop

I want to end this post, with a few research bits, on the Yellow Ray, a few recent posts at my Indian in the machine website, recent articles from Office Of The World Teacher, some recent Before Its News contributor articles, and a link to my Before Its News contributor feed

Are you filled with incredible love and joy yet? IF yes, support, the Yellow Ray, and if no, support the Yellow Ray! LOL

You can call me, Indian in the machine, or Kuthumi… blessings!


Guiding The Universal Evolution Of The Human Species With The Christed Energies Of Wisdom, Power And Love

According to the Ascended Master Teachings, Kuthumi holds the position of Chohan, or Lord, of the Second Ray. The concept of The Seven Rays originates from theosophy and represents specific attributes or aspects of divine energy. Each Ray is under the guidance of a Chohan, who embodies its qualities and imparts its teachings to humanity. The Second Ray, often associated with the color yellow …

Master Kuthumi, formerly Chohan of the Second Ray of Divine Illumination. Kuthumi is known as the Master Psychologist and a sponsor of youth.

Who is the Ascended Master Kuthumi The Ascended Master Kuthumi is one of the Lords of the Seven Rays, the golden ray. He is known as the World Teacher and is in the office of Christ Consciousness and Lord of Compassion. He will walk among humankind. He has had several incarnations, here are …

Ray 2: The Ray of Wisdom – Kuthumi, Jesus and Archangel Jophiel








Ex-Cop Details His CDC “Zombie Drill” Experience!!

Alternative | Nov 09 2023 20:05928

Donald Trump Is The One Who Will Unify The World, Say Galactics!!

Alternative | Nov 09 2023 14:23473

You Are Now A Remote-Controllable Android, And Your Body Is Connected To Three Access Networks With Three Different Levels Of Security 24/7!! -Sabrina Wallace Explains

Alternative | Nov 08 2023 18:182357

When People Say “Only Jesus For Me”… My Bullsh*t Meter Goes Off The Charts!!

Alternative | Nov 08 2023 12:05489

Watch Robert Malone In A Stunning Display Of Genocidal Ignorance, Push The Covid Narrative!! 

Alternative | Nov 07 2023 12:461512

Canadians In Hostage Situation??!! Digital ID System To Be Forced Upon Canadians??!!

Alternative | Nov 07 2023 12:271161

Palestinians Are Being Genocided To Make Way For New Canal In Gaza!!

Alternative | Nov 07 2023 11:44618

Ashtar Delivers Stunning Warning To Humanity!! New Earth Will Be Given To Advanced Civilization… Unascending Humans Will Have To Leave Earth!!

Alternative | Nov 06 2023 12:353251

Sananda And Lady Nada: you have not achieved the purpose of your life mission at this planetary moment

Alternative | Nov 05 2023 19:03588

Old Couple Talk Chemtrails And Nanotechnology Found In Squirrels And Deer!! – Mona And Ed’s Homo Borg Adventures

Alternative | Nov 05 2023 12:30461

Boom! Coronavirus Disease Spread Through Wireless Sensor Technology!

Alternative | Nov 05 2023 10:592827

Old Couple Realizes Nanotechnology Is In Everything And They Want To Detox Before It Is Too Late!! – Mona And Ed’s Homo Borg Genesis Adventures

Alternative | Nov 03 2023 13:071322

All Humanity’s Blood Has Millions Of Blue/Red Flashing Objects Assembling Computer Chips, In Each Drop?! What To Do About It??!!

Alternative | Nov 01 2023 19:081396

Why Did They Do A Zombie Plague Simulation??!!

Alternative | Nov 01 2023 16:59535

Taylor Swift Eras Tour “Friendship Bracelets”… Which Have Purple Light Which Could Activate Graphene!! Does World War 3 (Depopulation) Come In Concerts, Charismatic Witches, Catchy Music, And Free Gifts??

Alternative | Oct 28 2023 15:081011

Acapulco Hit With Strange Event That Could Be Beyond A Regular Storm!! And What About That New President In Waiting??

Alternative | Oct 27 2023 19:212940

Stunning Footage Of Orbs/UFOs Blocking Missiles In Gaza!!

Alternative | Oct 25 2023 19:152055

Satanic Queen Madonna Depopulation Tour Snuff Song Setlist Analysis!! Will Her Concert Goers Die Another Day??

Alternative | Oct 25 2023 17:301162

Shadow Civilization Behind The Shadow Government Is Much Larger Than People Comprehend!! Society In Denial They Exist Which Gives Them Power!!

Alternative | Oct 25 2023 15:27962

Australian Concentration Camp Is Obviously NOT For Sick People!! A New Worldwide Cookie Cutter Emergency Policy Is Being Set Up!! They Look For Any Excuse To “Help Homelessness”!!

Alternative | Oct 24 2023 17:571021

Bigfoot Species Complains About “Messy” Lightworkers – Spiritual Hierarchy For Planet Earth Meeting

Alternative | Oct 24 2023 16:12510

Before Big Mike There Was Big Barney??  Barbara Bush Transgendered Man Theory If True Makes Him The First First Satanic Ladyman Of The United States… Did We All Miss This??

Alternative | Oct 24 2023 14:106674

Official NESARA GESARA Announcement Coming!! Ultimate Victory Of The Light Says St. Germain!

Alternative | Oct 23 2023 16:453239

World War 3 NOT Going To Happen And More! – Galactic Military Intervention Update Vrillion (Ashtar Command)

Alternative | Oct 23 2023 15:091035

Lightworkers To Receive A Large Sum Of Money? – Spiritual Hierarchy For Planet Earth Discuss

Alternative | Oct 22 2023 21:45978

Boarding Flights With Facial Recognition Is Becoming a Thing!

Alternative | Oct 22 2023 15:10338

‘Vaccination’ by Air Program Already in Progress Say Official Documents!

Alternative | Oct 22 2023 13:081381

Arcturian Group: ​Many of find yourselves anxious, worried, and confused in spite of being spiritually evolved. 

Alternative | Oct 22 2023 13:001020

Human Biofield Is 80% Of The Immune System!! Lady Claims It’s Easy To Log Into People And Make Changes… How Do They Get In?!!

Alternative | Oct 22 2023 12:392782

New Government “Pay With Your Testicles” Program (WEF Agenda 2027) – Mona And Ed’s Homo Borg Genesis Adventures

Alternative | Oct 22 2023 11:04670

Spiritual Hierarchy For Planet Earth Meeting On The New Jerusalem Mothership – Did We ‘F’ Up??

Alternative | Oct 22 2023 01:491235

Great Solar Flash Forecast Suggests Internet, Communications Systems, Satellites And Things Related To Modern Life Could Be Greatly Disrupted!!

Alternative | Oct 22 2023 00:56797

As One – Denean with Indian in the machine

Alternative | Oct 21 2023 17:54116

The Purpose – Indian in the machine

Alternative | Oct 21 2023 14:06295

This Historical Video Could Affect Destiny Of Human Race!! All Natural Life Could Be Infected With Synthetic Life Suggests Dr. Ana!! Live Blood Images Of A Wild Squirrel Show Nanotechnology!!

Alternative | Oct 20 2023 20:391401

Zetatalk: Clean Water During Upcoming Catastrophes!!

Alternative | Oct 20 2023 15:501059

Intelligent Structures That Emit Blue Blinking Lights Are Inside Human/Animal Blood, And Vaccine Samples!! Dr. Ana Drops Stunning World Health Blockbuster!! 

Alternative | Oct 20 2023 14:142091

Yeah our planet is on fire…. zap… zap… zap and yes the continents are set to clank against each other, while the coasts flood, and earth opens up and releases…

Alternative | Oct 20 2023 13:51449

Madonna’s Celebration Tour Decode: All Seeing Eye Stage, Corona Black Robe, The Beast Within, Satanic Witch Flyby, Die Another Day, An Actual Satanic Black Mass??!!

Alternative | Oct 20 2023 01:15581

Jesus Explains How He Martyred Himself By His Delusional Thoughts, And Now Has Totality Of Knowing!!

Alternative | Oct 19 2023 16:22258

Jesus Bombshells In His Own Words, He Only Preached A Few Months!! It Was Chaotic Wherever He Spoke Truth!

Alternative | Oct 19 2023 14:33438

Jesus Sananda Says End Of The World And Last Judgement Are Not Yet, But Could Come At Any Moment!! Hidden Teachings From 1991 Revealed!!

Alternative | Oct 19 2023 13:27188

Secret Satanic Breakaway Society Uses Technology To Snuff Out God Consciousness And Trap The Soul!!

Alternative | Oct 19 2023 02:36936

We live in a sea of frequencies which they use to diabolically control us, and now they want to snuff out God consciousness itself!! Where are the natural frequencies in…

Alternative | Oct 19 2023 00:301088

Pleiadians Issue Elon Musk Neuralink “Soul Trap” Device Warning… Agenda 2024!! Latest Bigfoot Video Shot Near Sasquatch Camping LOL!! 3 Types Of Bigfoots!!

Alternative | Oct 18 2023 22:171023

oh, Jesus… where are you… come out, come out..

Religion | Oct 18 2023 18:45157

WEF Calls for free speech concentration camps to jail “first ammendment” terrorists

Alternative | Oct 12 2023 22:061100

Half The Country Is In On It!! Sandra Wallace On The Secret Plan To Hook US Citizens To Biofield Control Grid!!

Alternative | Oct 12 2023 21:552743

Karen Kingston: Neuro-Weapon Attack Survivor Speaks Out… We Are Under Advanced Nanotechnology Attack!!

Alternative | Oct 12 2023 14:17949

Look Deep Into Justin Trudeau’s Eyes… Robotoid??!!

Alternative | Oct 12 2023 13:37703

Emergency Broadcast System Also Goes to Your Body, Not Just to Your Devices! They Were Testing Their Ability to Locate You!

Alternative | Oct 11 2023 23:071245

Dr. Ana Mihalcea – They Have Put Artificial Life Inside Humans, Legal Action Commences

Alternative | Oct 11 2023 22:271279

Remote Controlled Mutant Humans By 2026!! Satellites Aimed At Nanobots In Human Bodies!! NO Ships Going To Mars!! Future Mars Tourists Will Vanish!! Walmart Human Hunting Licences In 2025!! Explosive Sabrina…

Alternative | Oct 11 2023 22:081502

Bluetooth People Scientifically Explained! Everyone Is Wired for Wireless Since 2005 and Data Available Commercially!! Everyone Is Preparing for Electromagnetic Drone Warfare Says Lady Whose Parents Were in Space Force!

Alternative | Oct 11 2023 16:478326

Todd Callendar and Dr. Vliet: Emergency Broadcast Tests and Spike in Strokes Same Day of FEMA Broadcast – Statistical Impossibility – Test Included Up to 30 Minutes of Frequency Spikes…

Alternative | Oct 10 2023 11:2910465

They Are Not Worried About Anybody’s Guns As They Slowly Cook People To Death And Erect System To Permanently Remote Control Everybody!!

Alternative | Oct 10 2023 10:381223

Taylor Swift Clone And Travis Kelce Evil Magic Exposed!! People “Got Covid” At Several Taylor Swift Concerts!! Travis Kelce Promotes The Pfizer Kill Shots!! 

Alternative | Oct 09 2023 21:002344

10/09/2023 — Earthquake unrest goes worldwide — 5-6 large quakes already struck — Be Prepared

Alternative | Oct 09 2023 12:531843

60 GHz Is A Megawar Against Everything!! They Can Zap The Water Inside All Living Beings Using 60 GHz Frequency!!  

Alternative | Oct 09 2023 11:561107

One Moment Normal… Next Moment Zombie?? Will We Be Seeing More Of This??

Alternative | Oct 09 2023 11:031866

Palestine/Israel Are Probably Going To Fall Into The Mediterranean Sea And It’s Unstoppable, And Connects To Turkey Earthquakes And Much More… Let Me Explain!!

Alternative | Oct 09 2023 10:39558

Zetatalk New York MegaFlood/Earthquake, And East Coast Migrations Predictions Sounds Like Several Disaster Movies All Rolled Into One!!

Alternative | Oct 08 2023 17:421326

South America The Continent Itself Is Waggling And This Is Cracking North America In Two?? Shocking Evidence Shows Continental Sinking, Salt Water Now Seeping Into Mississippi River!! This Supports The…

Alternative | Oct 08 2023 12:531338

Migrant Explains to Uber Driver… I’m a Paid Soldier by the UN!

Alternative | Oct 08 2023 11:304304

Free Israeli Veterans: “One of the soldiers r**ed a 16-year-girl *laugh*” “He put Palestinians in a cage and killed them” “Soldiers chased villagers with flamethrowers and set them on fire”…

Alternative | Oct 08 2023 11:211055

Lana Del Rey Concert Weirdness as Massive Section of Crowd Dominoes Over at the Same Time! Music Concerts Are Weaponized to Create Future Zombies, Androids and Cadavers?!Music Concerts Are Weaponized…

Alternative | Oct 08 2023 11:083281

Loving Canadians Gathering In Ottawa Again?!! “Freedom” George’s Ottawa Canada Protest Video

Alternative | Oct 08 2023 10:14111

Humanity Still Not Ready To Party With Galactics Just Yet!

Alternative | Oct 07 2023 15:19539

OMG! “Castaway” Tom Hanks Movie… Is About Pedovoria??!!

Alternative | Oct 07 2023 01:141687

4 Types Of Ringing In My Ears Includes Something Very Strange… It’s Getting To Be A Bit Much!!

Alternative | Oct 06 2023 14:09764

Is Taylor Swift, Satanic Queen Of The Clones Taylor sWitch? Shockingly Wicked Face Morph Of Taylor Swift And Zeena Schreck! Btw, Clones Are Monsters!

Alternative | Oct 06 2023 13:512893

We May Be Experiencing Several Silent Weapons Right Now

Alternative | Oct 06 2023 12:17803

Radio Frequency Weapons… Historical News Report, Must See!!

Alternative | Oct 05 2023 15:31103

Farmer Issues Warning… Reads Silent Weapons Document And Recalls “The Great Culling” 2009 Video!! Death By A Thousand Cuts!!

Alternative | Oct 05 2023 15:09202

Silent War Zapping Of Humanity In Progress! The battlefield is much more mysterious this time

Alternative | Oct 05 2023 14:42467

Mysterious Pulsed Frequencies Recorded During Emergency Broadcast System Highly Suggests It’s More Than Just A Few Beeps To Warn People!!

Alternative | Oct 04 2023 23:317849

Most Powerful Words Ever Heard In The History Of The World (Part 4): Cleansing Of The All Lifeforms And The Cosmos Itself!!

Alternative | Oct 04 2023 20:30726

Today is just a “test”….. Did you know this?

Alternative | Oct 04 2023 17:365222

How To End 5G!! This Legal Offensive Negotiation Tactic Appears To Be Working!!

Alternative | Oct 04 2023 17:04584

Emergency Broadcast System Spiritual Protection!! Incoming Frequencies May Change Beliefs, Perception And Memory?!!

Alternative | Oct 04 2023 13:48668

Updated Information for the 5G Emergency Broadcast for October 11th

Alternative | Oct 04 2023 12:341348

Many Will Be Leaving Soon – Archangel Michael 2023

Alternative | Oct 04 2023 04:012386

Northern Cree Galactic Space Commander Shaman A.I. Artwork

Native American News | Oct 04 2023 00:3484

Mark Steele: Smart City Technologies Create Military Kill Zones Where People Could Get Trapped With The Zombies!!

Alternative | Oct 03 2023 19:50559

Bill Gates Funding mRNA Fake Salt! Global Goal Means No ONE Has Any Rights! Injection Gene-Deletion Tech Pulsed With Microwaves Creates Zombies!!

Alternative | Oct 03 2023 18:23134

Elite Female Admits They Eats Babies On Stage In Front Of Live Audience!! Freudian Slip Or Did She Say It On Purpose?!!

Alternative | Oct 03 2023 17:361931

Open Galactic Military Intervention For Planet Earth Likely In 2024-2025! Darkside Also Accelerate Their Plans For 2025!

Alternative | Oct 03 2023 17:32283

South America Is “Wagging” And Preparing To Snap… Venezuela Itself Is Definitely Moving!! 

Alternative | Oct 02 2023 16:43707

WEF Spokesperson Seems To Be Saying They Failed Miserably With Killing Everyone With Covid… So They Are Going After What Everybody Needs!!

Alternative | Oct 02 2023 16:29836

A Hungry Grizzly Bear Rocked My Camper… Then Punctured A Hole In My…

Alternative | Oct 02 2023 12:52160

Russia and China vs United States War? Aliens Assisting But Can’t Save You With Everything!!

Alternative | Oct 02 2023 03:35271

White People Encounters Sometimes Go Like This! (Indian in the machine’s Amateur Comedy Attempt)

Alternative | Oct 01 2023 22:49151

The Movie “The Cell” Everybody Needs To See Before US And Canada Get Zapped With A Near-Nationwide Frequency: October 4th (US) And Oct 10th (Canada)

Alternative | Oct 01 2023 22:3720670

Todd Callendar and Dr. Vliet: Aerosolized Nanoparticles! Unplug On October 4th or 11th!! Trigger Mechanism Incoming For Already Declared Plandemic!!

Alternative | Oct 01 2023 18:226431

Alert! Major Intercontinental Event In Progress!! As Africa Tilts… New York Is Flooding!! What Comes Next… Are They Also Tampering With The Faults To Set Off The…

Alternative | Oct 01 2023 18:062227

God Help Us!! New York (2023) And Wuhan (2020) Both Astoundingly Force Sprayed… Also Both 5G Test Cities!!

Alternative | Oct 01 2023 17:59358

Pleiadian Military Bombshell Via Hakann: We Will Likely Intervene in 2024 or 2025!! Let The People Suffer To Wake Them Up Plan Is Failing!! Grey Hats Believe They Don’t Need…

Alternative | Oct 01 2023 15:451601

70% US Population “Writeable” And 100% Readable!! -Harold Kaultz

Alternative | Sep 25 2023 12:13318

5G Towers Have Started To Microwave People Alive??

Alternative | Sep 25 2023 12:041495

Pleiadian Oct. 4th Emergency Broadcast Warning!! ‘If You Hear This On TV, Switch Off All Your Devices’!! Incoming “Quantum” Broadcast Frequencies Can Change Memory, Beliefs And Perception

Alternative | Sep 25 2023 11:512293

Canadian Truckers Convoy Man Is Disgusted!! Ukraine President Receives At Least 12 Standing Ovations For Speech In Canadian Parliament While Canadians Lose Freedoms To Speak!!

Alternative | Sep 25 2023 10:41347

Todd Callendar: 3300+ Consumer Products Have Lipid Nanoparticles… Aka “Stealth Bombers”!

Alternative | Sep 24 2023 16:3712906

If People Suddenly Start Biting Strangers After Oct. 4th… This Is Probably What Is Going On!!

Alternative | Sep 24 2023 12:123154

I Have No mRNA Technology In My Body… Here Is My Miracle Story!!

Alternative | Sep 24 2023 11:28688

F The Lasers, Jabs, Globalism And Transhumanism… Let’s Invite Millions Of Ashtar Command/Galactic Federation Of Light Spaceships And Bring In The Calvary Of Heaven For Protection, Restoration, Unity With The…

Alternative | Sep 24 2023 11:00347

The Great Reset Includes Our DNA Too??!!

Alternative | Sep 24 2023 02:08401

Extraterrestrial Says Humanity Can Detox From mRNA Technology With Their Help!!

Alternative | Sep 23 2023 14:161271

Reptilian Military Advisor Notices Grey Hats Not Helping Lahaina And Says Grey Hats And Black Hats Are Standing In The Way Of Our Freedom!!

Alternative | Sep 23 2023 12:381599

People’s Normal Is Discrimination, Invisible Shackles, And False Beliefs That They Usually Protect At All Costs!!

Alternative | Sep 23 2023 11:3956

Before Its News Contributor And O.N.E. News Editor Sings A Canadian Classic Ballad From The 70’s

Alternative | Sep 22 2023 23:45164

“Your Cell Phone’s Nuking Your Johnson” Song Obviously About Penis-Related Dangers Of Cellphones

Alternative | Sep 22 2023 20:381129

Armageddon Beast Set To Storm Our Neighbourhoods And Bodies With An Experimental Spray??

Animals-Pets | Sep 22 2023 19:59800

Libya Flood And Venice Going Dry For 36 Hours Are Proof Of Africa Tilting, Which Will Bring Devastation To The Entire World!!

Alternative | Sep 22 2023 14:211624

Dr. Ana Milhacea: 6G Is Not For Natural Humans… Cyborgs Might Be Able To Handle It!!

Alternative | Sep 22 2023 14:09632

mRNA Spray… New York Sprayed… Is There A Connection??

Alternative | Sep 22 2023 13:32926

rusSELL BRAND: Calls For Global Government!!

Alternative | Sep 21 2023 12:12255

Emergency Broadcast System In Canada Too For May 2023??

Alternative | Sep 21 2023 12:01577

FEMA, DEWs and Kill Cities – Deb Tavares

Alternative | Sep 20 2023 13:241557

Oct. 4th Emergency Broadcast System Warning!!

Alternative | Sep 20 2023 13:082038

Children Burned Alive In Lahaina Confirmed!! Will People Fall For Next Lockdown?

Alternative | Sep 20 2023 12:48700

They Are Biologically Changing, And Tagging Humans, For Depopulation And Ownership Purposes, And Key Year Is 2025!! – Celeste Solum

Alternative | Sep 19 2023 17:462573

 Simpsons: Burgers Create Zombies!!

Alternative | Sep 19 2023 00:24640

US Child Concentration Camps Exposed! Walmart Orphaned Child And Baby Delivery Services Is Nationwide Says Whistleblower!! 

Alternative | Sep 18 2023 16:291268

Alien Relics From Peru Extraterrestrial Transmission Provides Hints As To Whether Or Not They Are Real Bodies!!

Alternative | Sep 18 2023 15:47116

Cheap Burgers… Another Depopulation Attack On Humanity?

Alternative | Sep 18 2023 15:151765

Todd Callender: They Want To Scare People Into Quarantine Centers As Zombies Are Activated Via Frequency Pulsation!!

Alternative | Sep 17 2023 15:044905

Africa Tilt/Mediterranean Drop Watch 2023… Several Countries Across Two Connecting Continents Are Flooding At The Same Time!! See For Yourself!! Entire African Continent May Be Twisting Right Now Setting Off…

Alternative | Sep 16 2023 15:402190

WTF! Respiratory Pathogens Will Be Transmitted Around This Time??! Canada’s Dr. Fauci Makes Bizarre Statement In Stunning Public Display Of Ignorance And Arrogance Since Science Proves Masks Don’t Work!!  

Alternative | Sep 16 2023 12:162073

Operation Vatican In Action Now And We Can Help! Skeletons Of Rituals, Strong Attack, Tunnels!! -Commander Ashtar

Alternative | Sep 16 2023 09:421274

The 5D Timeline – Archangel Michael 2023

Alternative | Sep 15 2023 16:301278

Men in Black Deathbed Confession!! Billions Will Die by 2024 and Fake Alien Invasion Will Usher in World Government!

Alternative | Sep 15 2023 12:521323

Stop Complying Or Become A Slave -Wilparanormal (video)

Alternative | Sep 14 2023 19:36223

Canada Is In Trouble Says “Freedom” George: Canada Being Invaded, Detox Is Now Essential, Where Are The Men?

Alternative | Sep 14 2023 07:13601

Pat King (Canada Trucker’s Convoy) Organizing “Fundraiser”… Truckers, Bikers, Supporters Arriving By Plane… We Are All Invited!!

Alternative | Sep 14 2023 06:38145

Pleiadian Warns Gray Hats, They Need To Be White Hats, Or Face Possible Galactic Justice!! Hakann: Debunking “the liberation process has to be this way”

Alternative | Sep 14 2023 06:09922

Jesus Explains The Return Of Christ In 2023 Transmission!!

Alternative | Sep 14 2023 05:51666

Pat King of the Canadian Trucker’s Convoy Has an Update!!

Alternative | Sep 13 2023 15:27859

Karen Kingston Is Alive After Pleading For Her Life, Then “Disappearing”… And Explains What Happened In Mexico!!

Alternative | Sep 13 2023 10:211200

Maui DEW War Zone Looks Like Superbowl Half-Time Show 2022!! Can You See Burned Out Town And The Concentration Camp??!!

Alternative | Sep 12 2023 23:131727

Hawaii Gas Chamber Tiny House Concentration Camp Alert!! Is Maui Building Military-Approved Tiny House Gas Chambers For Homeless??!!

Alternative | Sep 12 2023 22:541542

Ashtar Command Cloudship Vacuuming Up Chemtrails… Celebrating 38+ Years Of Saving Humanity From The All Encompassing Chemtrail Clouds Of Death!

Alternative | Sep 12 2023 17:271018

Wifi Weaponized Exposed!! New Wifi Networks Affect Your Hemoglobin?? Joe Imbriano warned us in 2018-60GHz blocks Oxygen uptake=fake virus=kill grid= forced vaccinations.

Alternative | Sep 12 2023 10:53932

Do Your Spirit Guides Have A Clue?? LOL

Alternative | Sep 12 2023 10:3560

Ashtar Sheran: Operation Checkmate Successfully Completed!! Clones Will Disappear Soon!!

Alternative | Sep 11 2023 16:432245

Maui Fire Victims… Where Is Everybody??!!

Alternative | Sep 11 2023 12:14904

Breaking: Proof China Satellites Over Maui as Fire Starts!

Alternative | Sep 11 2023 11:30320

Divine Plan And Final Disclosure Needs Your Peaceful Presence… More Shifts Coming!!

Alternative | Sep 10 2023 13:41947

Donald Trump King of the World Theory Gets a Massive Boost From Time Magazine! You Have to See This!

Alternative | Sep 09 2023 23:182851

Ex-Secret Service And National Security/Human Trafficking Whistleblower Lost Everything For Doing His Job, And Seeks The Public’s Assistance

Alternative | Sep 09 2023 22:48423

Worldwide Warning To ALL School Children This Fall!! Fake Meat Now At Wal-Mart?? CDC Says Vaccinated More Susceptible To New Variant!!

Alternative | Sep 09 2023 17:051676

LED Streetlight Technologies… Are They Dangerous And Can They Kill??

Alternative | Sep 08 2023 18:58404

“Wildfire” Locations… What Do They All Have In Common??!!

Alternative | Sep 08 2023 18:013483

Whoopie Goldberg Hilarious Covid Clown Act!! She Wears Mask Alone… Touches It… Removes It… Is She Serious??

Alternative | Sep 08 2023 17:37651

JFK Jr… Alive as Real Vice-President of United States Claims Insider!

Alternative | Sep 08 2023 17:0722641

After Hawaii Comes This Says Leaked Chinese Military Intel! Mainland US Needs to See This!

Alternative | Aug 31 2023 12:053273

Ex-Firefighter: Lahaina Was Not A Wildfire… Natives Been Targeted For Death!!

Alternative | Aug 31 2023 11:481036

Why Gray Hats Are NOT Doing Public Arrests/Disclosure Yet And What The Public Can Do About It!!

Alternative | Aug 30 2023 16:15624

Lightworkers Coming And Going From Earth, Lightworkers Resting, Divine Government Update!!

Alternative | Aug 30 2023 14:23734

You Will Finally Understand Women More If You Click Here, Guaranteed!! Pleiadian Explains Earth Women Undervalue Femininity, NOT Earth Men!!

Alternative | Aug 30 2023 14:051052

Departure Of Many Light Beings Explained By Ashtar Sheran

Alternative | Aug 30 2023 13:521130

Why Gray Hats Are NOT Doing Public Arrests Yet?? Reptilian Drops Several Whitehat Bombshells And Explains Why Trump, Putin, Q And Others, Are Greyhats, Not Whitehats!! Trump And Other Grayhats…

Alternative | Aug 30 2023 11:342649

St. Germain: Post RV the GFL Will Announce We Are Family – Then Landings Occur

Alternative | Aug 29 2023 22:451714

Guess What Is Starting Next Week? Asks Florida Nurse In Bombshell Reveal!!

Alternative | Aug 29 2023 21:493127

Microwave Radiation Sickness Will Cause the Next Pandemic, as Much of Humanity Has Been Weaponized From the Inside Out, and Outside In! Remember Bill and Melinda Gates’ Sinister Smiles Regarding…

Alternative | Aug 29 2023 11:301040

Maui Hawaii… Strange Horizontal Flash Caught On Video!! What In The Hell Is That??

Alternative | Aug 28 2023 21:272312

A Tsunami Of mRNA Is Coming?? Personalized Vaccines In 45 Days??

Alternative | Aug 28 2023 16:141110

Homo Borg Genesis – London Olympics 2012 Opening Ceremony (Revisited)

Alternative | Aug 28 2023 15:49119

This is a really strange video of the Maui fires. All the houses are on fire but not the trees

Alternative | Aug 28 2023 14:301428

WHO Plan To Takeover Everything In The World!! Enforced Digital Passports?? Existing Laws And Treaties Of No Value?? Existing Human Rights Gone?? Horrendous Evil Plan Exposed By Dr. Meryl Mass!!

Alternative | Aug 28 2023 13:52213

This Warning Of “10 Days” Is Again Making The Rounds!

Alternative | Aug 28 2023 12:12674

1/3 Of Humanity Injured By Covid Vaccine!! 20 Million Killed!!

Alternative | Aug 20 2023 12:301291

Former UN Employee Says Second Wave Will Involve Electromagnetic Weapon And Child Lockdowns!!

Alternative | Aug 20 2023 12:203482

Putin Executes Defiant 5G Executives In Russia!!

Alternative | Aug 20 2023 11:58958

China.  No Digital I.D. Verification. NO Food!! Check Out This Humiliating Slave Ritual… Watch Out Canada… 

Alternative | Aug 20 2023 11:32511

Strange Mushroom Cloud Before The Canadian Fires Started?!!

Alternative | Aug 19 2023 17:271275

Karen Kingston Reported As Missing Person In Mexico!!

Alternative | Aug 19 2023 16:212561

“Homo Sapien Got Hacked!” by Indian in the machine – Downloaded this book or free or ‘name your price’!!

Alternative | Aug 19 2023 13:26131

Man With Parkinson’s Disease Tries Marijuana For First Time!!

Alternative | Aug 18 2023 19:191144

20% Of Jabbed Have Myocarditis (Heart Damage), And 50% Of Them Will Die Within 5 Years!! – Dr. Shoemaker

Animals-Pets | Aug 18 2023 19:121397

Chinese Military Leaked Audio Of Hawaii Takeover Revisited… Maui Smart Grid Project Announced By Hitachi 8 Years Ago!!

Alternative | Aug 18 2023 18:591308

I Am Elder Ikai! Chief Commander Of The Galactic Federation With A Message For Earth!!

Alternative | Aug 18 2023 18:292688

Why Lightworkers Burn Out

Alternative | Aug 18 2023 18:23196

Cellphone Repair Guy Said He’s Never Seen A Phone With 5G Chip In Canada!!!