Richard Peterson Kuthumi (Indian in the machine):

Gregory~ I’m enjoying the banter you have with Dr. Steven Young in your latest series of videos on British frauds in English history. Perhaps you may be interested in issuing a statement on the significance of the Not-a-legit-king Charles portrait.  I’m aware he’s related to Vlad the Impaler, and that’s what the portrait brings up for me, vampirism… if you have any comments on it, I can share them at Before Its News, and add some of your latest videos to your response.  (RPK: I’m obviously not the only one that find that portrait, ‘satanic’.)


Joseph Gregory Hallett:

Charles physically winched when he unveiled his own portrait on 14 May 2024. Why? Because he realised he was a walk-in for Moloch. It scared the shit out of him, even though his eyes were painted wider apart than they actually are. Perhaps Cyclopse stands for short-sighted … in every way. Charles seems to get everything wrong – Art (His commissioned portrait), Science (Global Warming, now Climate Change, now 500 year cycles), Finance (WEF), Friends (Jimmy Savile, Thomas Hamilton, Bishop Peter Ball, Louis Mountbatten, plus most of his relatives),  Immigration (Where are they from with no name receiving £3,900/month) … and Turkish Barbers. Yes, Charles, through the Princes’ Trust is funding Islamic Immigrants into Hairdressing. Charles gives them £25,000 to start up, and pays the first 3 years rent. This is putting White Hairdressers out of business. Charles has also just implemented Financial Racism against English Whites by removing £600 a month off the Universal Credit of White Heterosexual Families, while retaining the £600 a month for Immigrants, Blacks & Cripples.

There’s no Political Correct word for Cripples yet.This means Whites are £7,000 a year worse off next to their Immigrant no-name not-from-anywhere counterparts, who seem to spend their time in military training. Also, Chuck the Turd has selected all the races and religions which won’t out him as a paedophile. And we should remember, of the 40 videos removed off King John’s Youtube, they included Camilla Parker Bowles’ Robbery of the Northern Bank in December 2004. Camilla married Charles 111 days later, then Charles covered it up and changed the laws of Ireland. Those convicted of the Northern Bank Robbery, the biggest in UK history, were Camilla Parker Bowles’ ex-husband’s business partner, and his son. Camilla’s brother laundered the money through Elephant Family, and was killed over it in New York. Too chatty. So when Chuck the Turd looks at his own portrait, he physically winches as his image includes a lifetime of this Shit!

PS. Charles was a child sex slave to Lord Louis Mountbatten … and the whole Royal family and all the British Media knows it.

Joseph Gregory Hallett

Holding the Royal Marks of the King of the Kingdom of England

Official site for Joseph Gregory Hallett – King John The Third

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