Hello folks… I hope you are enjoying these A.I. generated images… I know I am.

I am also enjoying the thought that spaceships from the good guys could be appearing in our skies at any moment.

At any moment, the planet could crack.

At any moment, the pulse from the great central sun could be awaking our DNA right now, in the days leading up to Dec. 21 and beyond.

These galactic pulses which connect to our sun, could also have the effect of furthering the dimensional split of humanity. YOU MAY BE FEELING A DEEP DISCONNECT WITH THE OLD ENERGIES AROUND YOU THIS HOLIDAY SEASON.

Don’t be surprised if you:

1. Want to be alone.
2. Are no longer attracted to empty traditions.
3. Want to shut off the radio, or tv, or computer and just enjoy the silence (or at least do as best as you can if you have buzzing in your ears.)
4. Have changes in sleep, eating habits, beverage choices.
5. Feel a strong desire to detox more than you usually do.
6. Feel as if you are living beyond time, in some manner.
7. Want to get out in nature.
8. Have a desire to completely change your life, as best as you can.
9. Find yourself sick, especially if don’t really look after yourself.
10. Experience some sort of physical challenges, or even develop some new abilities.
11. Major upgrades in health, if there is energetic resonance with such.
12. Oh, there may be cases where some people will literally feel like they are going nuts… now, that would only be temporary if you keep your sh*t togeher haha. If not, I would just recommend that you not indulge with any of your own foolishness at this time, and of course, meditate, connect with your inner I AM… you are either birthing a new you, or you will resist it, and deal with the consequences