Ascension Lightworkers

To The Ascension Lightworker Community . Earth is fast approaching the ‘TRANSITIONAL SPLIT’, which is destined to unfold as the cycle of 2024 continues and rotates into the major phase of the heightened Shift to occur in 2025.

All authentic awakened ones are on the very cusp of this great SPLIT and Major Earth Revelations . This will be the biggest ‘Energetic Transfer’ ever to take place during this current transition of earth.

At the very moment you entered the linear time of 2024 a Multidimensional Energetic ‘SPILT’ has shaken the entire bubble of the earth plane. graduating to the “Higher Heart” center will enter the Higher Dimensional Light at the moment of the SPLIT. And be connected into the Higher Light Network.

You shall take your unique places in this Profound Shift into Your “Higher Heart” that will then become the center point of all new alignments and connections. Your “Higher Heart” shall be the indispensable instrument for you to first familiarise and then participate within the new metamorphic process.

Your Heart will become an alleviating element for you within these higher realm light spaces. Now you can understand why graduation to the “Higher Heart” was/is so vital as it’s the only specific element necessary for entry, engagement with the Higher Dimensional Light Plane.

This is why all ascending have been experiencing prolonged rapid heartbeats and heart palpitations during the Ascension process .

Now and until July of this year waves of Starseeds have been ascending to higher

Realms and this will intensify with the Major portal activations having taken place .

We enter the next major Portal of 4-4

Increasing its Power, the doorway opens and widens for even higher Ascension. However, this Date is in fact directly setting stage for the Clear separation between 3D and 5D, or the SPLIT, to transpire and to prepare the building blocks for the New earths Foundation .

As the New Earth approaches, our way of thinking it will be challenged more and more. The Veil is thinning and lifting as our consciousness expands. This is a requirement for entering the new dimensions with the raising of our vibrations and frequencies. The old paradigms and archaic belief systems must fall to the wayside to make room for all of the new.

Starseeds There is a major energetic shift happening right now, where anything inauthentic can no longer survive in new earth energy . Relationships, jobs, social structures, anything built on shaky ground is destined to crumble and tumble down.

This is happening to bring you back home to who you truly are both individually and to society as a whole so you can live a life that is in alignment with who you truly are.

When you are in the thick of it, it can feel like a personal attack from the Universe. Have faith because the difficult times will be your defining moments. You will be reborn in the transformational fire. To then rise like the Phoenix in self .

You are being called to surrender. To possibly stop trying so hard to hold it all together. loosen your grip starseeds , to allow for the breaking and crumbling of old ways to occur. It may feel difficult at first but in the end, the sooner you let go, the sooner your rebirthing will occur.

You are at the end of one cycle and the beginning of many new ones . Embracing these endings in self is what is leading you to the truth as a profound new journey will project you towards your soul’s purpose.

A strong dividing line is taking place between humans it is one of no return between a pure consciousness field 5D and a vibrational energy state in dense and obsolete frequency of 3D. In those time-space lines; families, friends acquaintances, couples who used to be like-minded may now find them selves disliked.

No matter how much sadness you feel in your hearts, there is no choice but to let go of old ties surrender and put “detachment” into practice.It will be very hard for many as it already is now.

You will want to stabilise things from the fields of old memories, so that everything goes back to the way it was before. But those fields have broken away now, they are fractured.and going in the opposite direction and it would be even harder to manage because you would do it against the souls intuition .

Never before in human history have we ascended the mind and physical in this way , and because of this , ascension symptoms will increase before they eventually subside , the human experience is new to this ascension taking place on the planet and this is why at times it can feel very uncomfortable.

Everything, absolutely everything, is going to be linked by resonance. The time lines between one and the other will produce two realities, two opposite poles. We will be Living the reality that is in the heart centre to create the world we are most aligned with . Ascending individuals are powerful enough and by doing so will help many ascending souls in the collective .

Solar flares bringing high-level light coded energy are expected to finish up next week, initiating DNA upgrades leading to significant internal shifts and heightened awareness of higher consciousness on Earth. Ascending ones stand ready for this incredible transformation.

In Loving and Devoted Lightworker / Starseed Service. Written by Ascension Lightworkers

IITM: We could look at the great solar flash, as the final flash that closes the split, FOREVER!
