Greetings beloved Emanuel and Pastora, I Am Samana.
I greet you with all my heart, with all my love, I wrap all the children of Father Mother Adonai, in Infinite Love, in the Infinite Peace of My Heart.
It happened my loved ones, it happened so that you are attentive and paying attention. There’s a big move at sky level.
The big portals are giving off lots of energy, lots of Golden Crystal light for everything.
Much energy is out on all levels and frequencies of light and love to finish helping this humanity, to wake up and be free.
To release you from all this dense energy that you’ve been besieging and harassing for so long.
The dark forces are already annihilated my beloved. But as I always tell you, there is the top of their structure that no longer exists, that no longer exist, that have already left the planet.
But there are the ones at the bottom, the ones at the grassroots, the ones who are still out there manipulating and the ones who are trying to stop this ascension process from happening.
Because this process is going wonderfully well my beloved, I tell you. And here I am accompanied by my beloved Lady Nada.
You know, you know why all this information has been given to you by different interlocutors, by different sources, that we are already in the final, decisive stage of this process.
Already the dark elite is faded, disappearing, the structures are crumbling. Everything is crashing down on you my beloveds.
Go, look, look at the information, look how those dark clones unadapted to the divine plan are disappearing, dissolving.
Frequency is on some levels my beloveds, that this has no stop, there is no stopping at all of this process and more and more is the energy that enters to help them in awakening all those who are still there sleepwalking.
The great work that the Mother has done through you as channels and in which we have participated, with the Mother and with all the Team that assisted her.
Apparently, about a hundred people attend, but we’ve already explained to them that this is like a boomerang covering other systems.
And energy has helped greatly to this whole process. Because there’s energy flow of all kinds. The Scale, Metatronic Energy. All high frequency energies of the universe are flowing to the earth.
The energy of the sun, which commands the whole process. All those energies are at their maximum radiation.
There are high expectations for this Great Solar Eclipse on the 8th.
For some reason the elite are shaking. For some reason the elite have told everyone to pick themselves up, to stay in their homes, to not send children to school. Let’s fill the gas tanks up. To stock up on food. They know pretty, pretty challenging situations are coming for the planet.
We are my beloved, at the gates of a great manifestation, like it or not. Time doesn’t stop anymore. Times only give for this process to begin.
The process they call the Discloruse. The process of All Revelation that is going to take place.
The days that call for darkness, as you know, is the alignment of your field with the earth’s field, the earth’s fields with the universal field. We’ve already explained all of this to them.
Apart from all this know, there are Big Ships working in this process.
Archangel Michael’s Ships, the Arctic Ships. Large Mother Ships are assisting in this process of field alignment of the Planet’s Magnetic Poles.
All this is already being given my beloved. We are and we are as we always tell them.
We are at the doors of a great manifestation and know that with this Eclipse you play great situations.
We tell you this and hope everyone is alert and alert. Because when there is an eclipse, a lot of energies are always generated, great portals are opened.
It’s also a time where we’re going to be guarding the whole system, the whole area. Because they take advantage, you know who you are, to try to sneak in.
The time will come, that all that internal negative that everyone has, will come out as a result of this eclipse.
All energies are given and all that work you guys have been doing with the Mother, has helped immensely for all of this to be given.
And about other light workers who have been working with their groups. Because it all helps my loved ones. Because every contribution you give, is a contribution that adds up to this whole process.
But this work that has been done with you is a wonderful thing my beloved. It’s been a big, big expansion job.
Because through one, thousands have been healed by this process of boomerang of these energies, this process that the Mother, that Mahindra commands and has carried out.
My children, all attentive, all very internalized. Those who can heal and those who can work hard within them do so, because times press.
Situation like this calls for it. All those who are activated work, work on target. Because we are already like we always tell them.
We’re already giving the Final Jack Mat to the domination and control of this planet and the process coming into effect. We are starting now, the final stage, and in the climax of that final stage.
Attention all with this eclipse, do not let yourself be afraid neither by eclipse, nor by the last-minute stories they have with the bacteriological wars sowing viruses.
Already the viruses that had planned from the previous plandemic, there is no way to mutate them nor these new viruses that are launching and planting, because that’s what they do, because they are more and more aggressive.
But all of that, you may be living the consequences. But it doesn’t go any further. Don’t put your attention on all that.
Take preventive measures, because they exist, they exist. Take all preventive measures, but don’t be scared of such an epidemic or activation of these diseases as they have manipulated them.
Take your precautions, but don’t enter into fear. Fear is the worst enemy you can follow.
Don’t be afraid my beloved. There will be no war. There will be no more plandemic. There will be no more dominance. This is all coming to an end.
Where it had to arrive, the liberation of this great planet.
Financial systems are evolving Be patient, it will soon be coming to the common, to the citizen.
Now it’s on the big entity level. All of that has already been gearing up and accommodating the whole system. But as you know, still as I told you, they are in key positions.
Those are the ones we need to get out those corrupt bankers, those corrupt doctors and nurses and all those organic portals that are in positions, that can influence the population.
All that beloved, it’s about to be final stocked. Take it easy, everybody. Don’t step in fear. There will be no war or any war here, because there is no weaponry.
They have no weapons, all nuclear facilities are down, inoperative. Don’t let fear influence you. Because with the fake information from those corrupt media they have.
Everything is falling apart. Those dynasties, those kingdoms that are no longer useful to anything, live only off citizens’ taxes to live in luxury, in opulence, and citizens in misery. That’s a wrap my beloveds. Crashing down, crashing down all those kingdoms.
Beloved, have faith, have confidence and absolute certainty that we are getting where we need to go, to the new version of the New Earth that is already opening before our eyes, to this reality.
Everyone stay tuned, internalize, pray, prepare, be calm. And with this eclipse, everyone stay tuned. Take your predictions because when the river sounds, it brings stones as they say.
Saying goodbye with all the love.
I’m Samana, or Sananda as they want to call me and I’m accompanied by My Consort Lady Nada.
I bless you all my children, children of the Father Mother Adonai, children of the Light.
Beings in Service, to All I Bless Greatly with My Great Heart, Expanding this Light to All.
(Emanuel and Pastora – ServiUM ERKS – Commanders Ishtar and Ashtar)
With love ❤
IITM:  Wow, there’s a lot in this one to soak in! What sticks out for me, is how the great solar eclipse could trigger the three days of darkness!!!  Sananda basically threw a rather big hint onto the table.

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