Hi readers~

I thought I’d give you an update about O.N.E. News, and other matters.

As you may or may not know, O.N.E. News was hit by a series of viruses, months ago. For the longest time, I had no ability to even post.

I started The Yellow Ray, as a result, and things were humming along. But The Yellow Ray, is also experiencing some sort of turbulence.  I don’t know if it’s nefarious or what, but around the same time all this was going down, I was also experiencing computer issues on 3 computers!!!

If that was not enough, around the same time, I had experienced some sort of… well, I think it was an energy attack of some sort… it happened twice… twice, I was making a YouTube video and experienced severe shortness of breath… the first it it happened, I took my shirt off, and ran outside, and was pounding my chest, trying to get myself to breathe… I also should say around that time, I also had a new computer… and it was my instinct to get away from anything like a computer or cellphone, in case it was something technology-related.

Of course, during those times, I AUTOMATICALLY CALL IN MORE SPIRITUAL SUPPORT, and made it through.

Soooo, I see I can post on O.N.E. News again… I still haven’t cleaned up all the viruses, so I am just letting you know what is going on.

For now I’m posting regularly at www.indianinthemachine.com and related posts at: WTAF.  

I hope to get The Yellow Ray, figured out…

Now to make things even more challenging for managing matters, financial support for my efforts ‘could be better’. LOL, but it has been low enough, that I have to seek other means of support… which quite frankly, is a horrible development, for you and me and humanity.

Recently, I was watching some videos about the sex trade in Dubai… and heard a few accounts of instagram models getting hired to poop in buckets for the rich sheiks… they were getting $20,000-$50,000 for a weekend of pooping in buckets, and whatever else comes with that, which is likely to be gross.

I know it’s not healthy to compare people… but why not compare situations?? 

We literally live on a planet, where one pretty lady can poop in a bucket… ONCE… not a full-time job, but a one-time job haha… and she will make more money than I (or most lightworkers) will make in a year, as a representative of the spiritual hierarchy for planet earth, Galactic Federation, Ashtar Command, archangels, Pleiadians, Galactic Councils, and much much much more!   Not only that, but I also bring critical information for humanity’s survival and/or spiritual evolution… including doing my part to help remove all dark forces on earth.

Not only that, but I have to put up with death threats, snide comments, and having a crowd of people around me who are quite frankly, are rarely, if ever, doing their fair share, or satisfied with the help freely offered them.  Then I get comments from people like, ‘turn down the music’… ‘you just want my money’… ‘I only listen to Jesus’… and ‘do this for me’… and on and on.  I hear lots of excuses, too.  Some are actually happy they find me or others like me, not because we can work together for a wonderful Divine cause, but because it means they can continue be in hiding, irresponsible and/or ineffective.  I pretty much know all the excuses all by heart, remember I have been doing this for over 20 years now.

I know you have your own challenges too, but even if we both put on a happy face for the world to get through another day, we are still in a genocide, and humanity is still in a deep sleep, overall.

If that wasn’t unfortunate enough, humanity is setting itself up, to deal with what’s left of it’s spiritual awakening… ALL AT ONCE! Yup… I couldn’t imagine, and can’t imagine.  Perhaps some of these people think I’ll always be there for them…. but maybe they won’t even have electricity when they really need some guidance, maybe I won’t have any.  My point being, is that we have an opportunity to do right now, something that might not exist tomorrow. 

Face it, if someone showed up day-after-day to a potluck, and never brought a dish… that would just be sad, and it would be worse to have to listen to the endless excuses, while they feast on other people’s generosity.  And would they honestly feel great, about it??  I can’t answer that for them, but what I can offer you, is an opportunity to help me, help you and others.   There are always ways to support my efforts… whether it be financial or in sharing posts, or anything else you can think of!

That said, I thank everyone who has supported me recently, and over the years, no matter how big or small, each effort brings us closer to the great victory of the light, within. We have some steep climbs ahead, but the summit is nearer than ever.