Greetings beloved, I am Antuak aka Saint Germain. In this afternoon I wanted to pass by to greet you, always present in my heart. I wanted to give you some information regarding the Gesara project. As many may have known, this plan is starting to come to fruition..

This Gesara plan is beginning to bear its first fruits and soon this redemption, which Father Mother has prepared for their children, will soon manifest in all beings of light.

Remember first we were prepping the whole rig, we were prepping and tuning all systems. We were preparing for no undue diversion of prosperity funds to take place. Those entities that have already withdrawn from the project by not complying with the requirements. This is all coming together. This is all solidifying. Everything is already as you would say, almost candy.

Also contributions to projects that many light beings have. Being for Father Mother Adonai service all these funds are already being channelled all this money is already there. But understand it, my beloved, that the main issue is, as long as there was no full and absolute certainty, that all those funds were going to flow adequately, honestly among the entire population, these resources were not going to be given. But everything is being clarified, the main thing is that the QFS system is already up and running.

You, all the children of Father and Mother, keep in mind that you will have full and total assistance. Interlocutors have already said it. At this moment that we know how the planet is, how the energy is, that everything is quite accelerated, this project also promises to accelerate in the last moments so that abundance reaches all children.

And be confident, everyone, because to all children this blessing and this redemption of the Gesara project will come for this new humanity rising, for this Christian humanity, so that they may enjoy the wonders and the great project that Father Mother has for their children.

I say to you my beloved, do not worry about anything, as Master Sananda said, what you will eat, what you will drink, what you will wear. Be full of confidence, because all these things come to all the children of the light.

Keep your heart open, your mind open and your love of service, your love of sharing.. Loved, full and absolute trusted.

Gesara is coming for all.

The projects especially that you Emanuel and Pastora reach also all these resources to be used. Either before, or after, the big transmutation project that will take place on the planet.

All these resources, even though the money will not be handled, but all this will come accessible so that you can carry out all those projects. You’ll see how everything will come to you and everything will go ahead.

Beloved i bless you.

I am Master Antuak.

Emanuel y Pastora – ServiUm

Montaña Sagrada de ERKS 14/11/2023

Comandantes Ishtar y Ashtar

IITM: This IS a sensitive issue, in the sense that we have to bring prosperity to all of earth, without using that money to destroy ourselves, or to control others… how will this be done? I don’t know, but it feels like we are in great hands, after some discouraging turbulence.