Dear family of love and light, the Divine has a quick message for the light workers.

Since Gaia has asked for help, the Divine and the company of heaven have taken the matter seriously. After consulting with Gaia and the planetary energies, according to Gaia’s suggestion, the Divine and the company of heaven have decided to ask light workers to join Gaia’s clearing campaign so that in a joint effort, the clearing of the planet can be more efficient and quicker.

The Divine says that Gaia has specific needs in this clearing process simply because Gaia has different designs and aspects. Per Gaia’s request, there are different types of light workers who are needed in this clarion call. The Divine says globally, the Divine has brought many different types of light workers to the planet to help with Gaia’s ascension. Some light workers work in general areas. However, there are also some light workers who have specialties and uniqueness. Their uniqueness is what Gaia needs right now. Gaia needs light workers who have the capacity to clear and transmute densities with her in great quantities. The Divine says that the Divine has brought a great number of light workers who meet Gaia’s needs and they can join her in this clearing campaign. That is why the Divine has sent out this clarion call.

The Divine says that light workers in general have different designs. They have capacities that humans don’t have. Light workers can become huge transmutation machines and transmute unwanted energies at great quantities. The Divine says that is why light workers are Divine sent helpers in Gaia’s ascension process. They have great skills and talents beyond human imagination. The Divine encourages light workers to answer the call and join Gaia in this endeavor so that together, Gaia can make this clearing campaign easier and take a shorter period of time.

The Divine and Gaia are deeply grateful for light workers to pinch in and help. The Divine says that the clearing campaign is globally wide and therefore, we need light workers from all areas of the world and act fast if you can so that Gaia can start working with you and start clearing. Gaia is anxiously waiting for light workers to join her in this endeavor.

Thank you for your dedication and unconditional love for Gaia and humanity. Divine blessings to you always. Linda Li and the Divine, Gaia and the company of heaven. So it is.