IF these fit, they do, and if they don’t, they don’t… have fun, and don’t hurt yourself or others, via this exercise in self-examination.

51.  You NEVER analyze yourself, because you are scared of what you will find.

52.  You believe a life fully distracted, is a successful life.

53.  You want to be loved, at the same time you express hate.

54.  You look down on people who are more spiritually evolved than you.

55.  Your idea of a healthy relationship is masturbation. LOL

56.  Your idea of high education, is the mainstream news, cartoons, and comedians.

57.  You eat garbage for years, and still think you look ‘good’.

58.  You think you have solved the world’s problems, from your couch, while eating bon bons.

59.  You think your relationships are not based on co-dependency.

60.  You are scared to change, because other people will be disappointed.

61.   You spend your days pleasing people, but making yourself miserable.

62.  You avoid conflict, therefore you avoid self-reflection.

63.  You are basically an angry person, with angry friends, and this brings you the closest to happiness.

64.  You confuse your cleverness, with wisdom… and no, this isn’t wise.

65.  You’d rather be a consumer than a creator… because you shut God out, as you made more money.

66.  You’d rather NOT be accountable or responsible, because it’s too much work and effort.

67.  The idea of managing your energy field, is foreign.

68.  Cleaning your blood feels like a total waste of time.

69.  You solve your problems by…. actually, you don’t solve problems, you create more and more, and just forget about the old ones.

70.  You spend your days searching for what is inside someone else, to avoid what is inside you.

71.  You behave like a child, but think you are asserting your adult self.

72.  You’d rather not help those who have helped you.

73.  You’d rather explore your darkside than cultivate and improve your lightside.

74.  You think imitating others makes you more attractive.

75.  You wonder where all the good people have gone, as you drive them away.

You feel these lists are valuable for self-reflection and improvement, and you want to support the person who wrote them, pay it forward, or do something for someone who has helped to awaken you (which by the way, is a very difficult task, in case you haven’t noticed LOL!! ).

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