IITM: Some teaching from the incredible spiritual teachings of the Phoenix Journals from the 1990’s.  It is truth that we don’t need what is already provided.

Join us on a profound journey of self-discovery and spiritual enlightenment guided by Ascended Master Hilarion & Esu “Jesus” Sananda. In this soul-stirring discourse, look into the depths of emotional cleansing, exploring the transformative process of releasing past burdens and embracing new energies. Uncover invaluable insights into navigating life’s distractions, finding inner peace, and preparing for a higher state of being. This powerful message reflects on the challenges many face in balancing their roles as caregivers and seekers of personal growth. Looking at the importance of acknowledging one’s limitations while nurturing a compassionate heart. With an introspective quest to align the heart, mind, and spirit, illuminating the path toward self-awareness, emotional release, and spiritual evolution. While addressing the significance of integrating past experiences, learning from them and allowing oneself the grace to heal. Discover the timeless wisdom shared by these revered Master Guides, as they reveal the essence of living a purposeful life in tune with the Creator’s Light. Fostering the keys to inner harmony, personal growth, and the pursuit of a more fulfilling existence. #spiritualwisdom #emotionalhealing #innerpeace #lightworkers #soulgrowth #sananda #hilarion REFERENCE: The SPECTRUM, News Review, Sep.11, 01, Vol.3, #.4, Pg.29–32 http://fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/s… NOTE: The purpose of this channel is to INFORM and EDUCATE, as well as to PREPARE ones mentally and physically for the most important event of the millennium, rapidly approaching. ————— THE PHOENIX JOURNALS: Upon our request, the Pleiadeans, sent by God, have arrived to aid in delivering Truth during Earth’s current transitioning cycle. Their role isn’t to rescue us, but to guide us in saving ourselves. The Law of Non-intervention, a cosmic divine law, dictates that beings from Realms of Light cannot override our free will. Intervening would strip us of our autonomy, turning us into mere automatons. Therefore, the Pleiadeans can only share the Truth of God’s Laws and Creation with us once more in our last 3D era on Earth. This sacred Truth, transmitted via radio signal from Hatonn, Commander of the Pleiades Star Fleet currently orbiting Earth in the company of ‘Jesus’ Sananda, has been conveyed to his scribe, Doris Ekker (“Dharma”) of Tehachapi, CA. These transmissions have been transcribed and compiled into 115 bound volumes known as The Phoenix Journals, highly revered as the “Holy Books of the Lighted Realms.” It is STRONGLY advised to delve into the ENTIRETY of these six journals for a comprehensive understanding: #2 And They Called His Name Immanuel—I Am Sananda (The life & teachings of Esu “Jesus” Immanuel Sananda) http://www.fourwinds10.com/journals/p… https://youtu.be/etBKc2zJTuQ #3 Space-Gate—The Veil Removed (The UFO space program cover-up) http://www.fourwinds10.com/journals/p… https://youtu.be/skfAV6hd5UY #5 From Here to Armageddon—I Am Ashtar (Our relationship to space people & future of Planet Earth) http://www.fourwinds10.com/journals/p… https://youtu.be/_Am8NpMrTWk #7 The Rainbow Masters “The Magnificent Seven” (The Writings of the Celestial Masters) http://www.fourwinds10.com/journals/p… https://youtu.be/zhFv2wiRzoA #27 Phoenix Operator-Owner Manual (Contains THE LAWS OF GOD & CREATION—roadmap & guide to enlightenment) http://www.fourwinds10.com/journals/p… https://youtu.be/pLMa-q9DMcs #47 Pre-Flight Instructions For The Phoenix (Guidelines for finding the Kingdom of Heaven within you) http://www.fourwinds10.com/journals/p… https://youtu.be/W6dSHexZfDU ⚠️ If the Truth is to reach the four corners of the world, it must be freely passed on. It’s hoped that each reader will feel free to do that, keeping it in context, of course. They are found at: http://phoenixarchives.com http://www.phoenixsourcedistributors…. http://www.fourwinds10.com https://www.wisdomoftherays.com 🔎 TRUTH IN A ‘NUTSHELL—PHOENIX JOURNALS https://youtu.be/Xdx9wP54v7M 🆘 People of The Lie–Spaceships, Aliens & Your Future–Evil https://youtu.be/FzpLZ6vnY-U 🕯️Lucifer Satan’s Evil Lies–Spiritual Truth & Knowledge To God’s Lightworkers–“Jesus” Christ Sananda https://youtu.be/RTt2w2gGspI ❌ People Of The Lie? Satan–The Bible–God, ETs UFOs Aliens & Christ–Truth To All Lightworkers & Souls https://youtu.be/hX6fTSCSnkg 🐥 People Of The Lie: Easter–Satan/Lucifer’s Clever Evil Deception–The Truth Revealed–’Jesus’ Sananda https://youtu.be/9wxVTjtkpBY 🔍 The Hidden Truth of Your Pleiadian Cosmic Ancestry Explained–All Souls & God’s Lightworkers–Hatonn https://youtu.be/fuY3SIgabP4 📣 Sananda: Petitions—Release Of Pain For All Earth Souls, The Lighted Realms & The Entire Cosmos! https://youtu.be/axFt9_r58t0 ⏲️ It’s NOW Time! Awaken & Remember–A Message Of Great Spiritual Wisdom & Guidance From Lord Michael https://youtu.be/1XN6XkgxXfE