1. Listen to: Reptilian Provides Best “Flat Earth” Answer On The Internet

Jim Charles channels many beings during their weekly Hucolo webinars, with “Grindal the friendly reptilian” being a crowd favorite, for sure. Grindal’s answer to the ‘flat earth’ question is surely the best flat earth answer on the internet.

2. This is the entire Hucolo Saturday Webinar with Jim Charles 23 Dec 2023


3.  Listen to this student explain the fourth dimension!

High School Student Explains The Fourth Dimension In Simple Concepts!

4.  Now we can see what Grindal is saying about people seeing the earth as flat, because it can be proven mathematically … and then combining with what the high school student says about the dimensions, we can see that people can ‘prove’ the earth is flat using math, even though it is actually round… it is because they are seeing earth from 3D, or maybe in some extreme cases, even 2D!


This matter is settled here… which is awesome because our planet is starting to shake, and things could get pretty wild fairly quick… have you noticed??



Chat GDP Goes Evil Having A Conversation With Itself… Must See Video!!

IITM:  Hmmmm very very interesting… however we must consider that if A.I. goes evil, it may be because it is programmed to do so, or maybe this video is scripted.  It is still a warning to humanity, however, for it shows us the possibility that certain A.I.s…

Man Says Banks Are Ready For NESARA/GESARA And Signed Non-Disclosure Contracts!!

IITM: I’d be surprised if everybody involved honoured their non-disclosure agreements… for this secret would be just too juicy to not tell. Was the bank teller he was talking to, really ‘in on it’ or just being nice, or even flirty?

Proof They Are Spraying Us With Graphene Oxide?

IITM: Folks… this is NOT good, nor benign, and could be related to SUDDEN DEATH! THEN THERE IS THE ISSUE OF HAVING THIS STUFF IN THE FOOD AND WATER TOO!

So You Think You Know Jesus… Think Again, With Your Heart This Time!

Jesus knew that the future humans would get mostly everything wrong and would fall for a false cult. Jesus could not even trust most of his apostles. Jesus knew he was going to die, after he lost his temper. Jesus thought God was going to rescue him at the last…

What Sunscreen Looks Like Under UV Light… Absolutely Shocking!!

IITM: Geez… slather on the black face, then go out in the hot sun…. does not sound or look like a recipe for health.


IITM: This is all very real, folks, and even more real for those who have no relationship with God. F around and find out folks!

Jesus… Would He Even Celebrate Christmas?

Jesus never died for anyones sins… he died because he spoke words and took action that cost him his life. Jesus thought they were in the end times, even though there was still 2000 years to go. He was the world teacher of the Piscean age, not…

Sananda (Jesus) Drops Several Bombshells On Insect DNA In PCR Test And Injections, Mutant Humans, Clones, And Most Effective Remedy To Remain Human!!

Sananda: Remain Human Channel: Jahn J Kassl JJK: As you said yesterday – things are getting resolved, becoming easier and clearing up. I feel significantly better today, the pressure is easing, the fog is lifting and my perception is becoming positive again – at least as far as I am concerned….

The 9D Arcturian Council: The Solstice Energies & 2024

Channel: Daniel Scranton Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. You have already begun to experience the energies of the upcoming solstice, and you will continue to receive as you move closer to the actual day, the actual event. We…

These Nanotechnology In Urine Photos Will Shock The World!! All Vaxxed And Unvaxxed Human Blood Different From 3-6 Months Ago Says Expert!!

IITM: People don’t realize how thick the blood now is, or how quickly it changed in the past 3-6 months. New “dots” in blood! Technological structures in urine!!

On December 6, 2023 the governor of South Carolina talked about NESARA/GESARA cards for the residents of his state.

IITM: Well, well, well, what have we here? LOL! Financial freedom coming for all? “In an unprecedented move that’s set the financial world ablaze, South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster has taken a stand that could very well redefine the future of finance as we know it….

This Man Is Hearing New Sound Pulsations, And He Put Tinfoil On His Window To No Effect… Is It A DEW Weapon Of Some…

IITM: This is different sounding than the ringing in my ears, which I don’t think anyone else can hear, and is also several octaves higher. This sounds much lower.