IITM: This is definitely an incredible video, to help people realize there have been military tribunals taking place for a few years ongoing. Rumble video don’t embed well, so go here. Dr. Jan Halper AGAIN confirms that Military Tribunals have been and continue to take place.

To add to that narrative…

Many people we see who were likely arrested, but are still among the public, are there as part of their arrest… with the goal of PREVENTING THE COLLAPSE OF CIVILIZATION ITSELF.

When all the arrests are made…

The good stuff happens.

We can finally get a new financial system

We can finally be supported for our existence on the planet, at the soul level.

Don’t you find it interesting that the healthcare systems, don’t acknowledge the soul, or our chakras, or aura?

However, it’s not going to be overnight…. but it could be.

Humanity has yet to get through the collective dark night of the soul.

All the horrible stuff we let happen… we must face… to move beyond.

What about the christ inside?

Does the christ inside have anything to say, about the direction of these lives?