Guys… I know we all want Trump to help save US and the world, and perhaps he has done just that… however, it hasn’t been a perfect operation… I am referring to Operation Warpspeed. Trump’s “father of the vaccine”, status, also puts him dead centre in crimes against humanity proceedings! Yup… the chief of the US military also promoted the greatest bioweapon of all time, a a healthy thing. The more he refuses to discuss that he f’d up, the more it will come back to haunt him. People have died and more have been injured, and they deserve justice, we all do.

We are dealing with 22 layers of weaponized function!! THAT IS QUITE EXTREME FOLKS!!

Historical Nanotech Talk By Alphonzo Munzo: “Pits Of Hell” Highly Advanced Extraterrestrial Technology Found In The Jabs And Elsewhere Including Weaponized Self-Perpetuating Artificial “Lifeforms” And 22 Layers Of Function!!

Historical Nanotech Talk By Alphonzo Munzo: “Pits Of Hell” Highly Advanced Extraterrestrial Technology Found In The Jabs And Elsewhere Including Weaponized Self-Perpetuating Artificial “Lifeforms” And 22 Layers Of Function!!

The recent election was legit, but the others were fake??!!

Are we dealing with the Anti-Christ?

Richard Peterson Kuthumi (Indian in the machine)

Indian in the machine (lightwork) / World Teacher & Friends (spiritual) / The Yellow Ray (key updates) / Before Its News Contributor Feed / Indian in the machine YouTube / Bitchute

Mission Support: Special thanks to all past, present and future supporters of this great mission including most recent: Colleen, Merrilee, Phil, Leesa, Sally, Robert, Kathy, Billy, Debra, Timothy, Stephanie, Donald, James, Diane, William, Cheryl and others. This is a mission where we self-ignite our hearts, with the flames of pink (love), blue (power) and yellow (wisdom), and come up with inspired ways to share the great teachings of our extended universal family. Ideally these teachings are widely shared and available in all languages!

  1. NEW! Fundrazr (Quick, no sign-in)

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NEW! THREE DAYS OF DARKNESS INFORMATION CENTRE – Yes you probably do need to prepare for this!

HOMO SAPIEN GOT HACKED! (pdf. download book) – If you really want to know they are hooking people up to the internet of BODIES. There’s some great ideas here, about how to detox from nanoparticles, some wonderful ideas about embracing natural energies, to overcome technological health hazards.

MONA AND ED’S HOMO BORG GENESIS ADVENTURES – One take improvs., where RPK is doing two characters at the same time, without a script. Mona And Ed are a heartful and awake elderly couple, who are waking up to find themselves in a dystopian society.

HITCHHIKER’S GUIDE TO THE GREAT SOLAR FLASH – Yup, the solar blasts will cumulate with a great solar flash that will quantum shift humanity into a new expression of itself, in 5D earth. It is THE BIGGEST EVENT THAT HUMANITY HAS EVER GONE THROUGH… so it’s probably worth it to find out more, don’t you agree?


  1. I am glad to see more and more videos and articles coming right out and naming Donald Trump as the antichrist. Proof is showing up all over the internet. We have Hell to go through still. I think a great many of us were gaslighted to come here at this time. The terrible things happening to people especially animals and children is just horrifying. The sooner this is over the better. I do not know where I will end up when I leave the Earth, but I know I do not want to ever get into any situation like this again. I’ ve had it. I do whatever I can to help family, neighbors, friends and whoever shows up in my daily life because that is who I am. But I feel so sorry for people who do extraordinary battling of governments and criminals and do not get the protection they should have and get blackmailed, or killed. No one in their right mind would agree to jump into this cesspool. That is why I think many of us peace loving people were gaslighted.

    • Yeah, and now dining with Trudeau at Mar-A-Lago has hopefully opened some more eyes.

  2. The truth is flowing like a raging river. All the corruption is being expose. People are taking action. When all is said and done, the buck stops with Prime Creator for having made the deal with the evil one and not drawing the line in the sand when it has to stop. Prime Creator allowing torture and death of millions, billions of children and animals through out the centuries of Earth existance , has brought shame and disgrace to Prime Creators name. Jesus came to this hellhole to help us navigate a way through Earth life that his father set up. Jesus was probably gaslighted also. I am thankful for what he did. It was pure love. What I see Prime Creator allowed the evil ones to get away with does not show love. Prime Creator set up the Earth for his pleasure and his pleasure had been at the expense of animals, humans and other creatures. Something is really wrong with the picture.

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