Trust the plan right? Does that mean trust the plan, while ONE BILLION people have been depopulated from earth from the jab?


Is the great white plan so great that one billion people had to die… and still counting? Trust the plan right? That so that Trump’s buddies in the middle east can bomb innocent little children?? And we’re supposed to sit back and ‘trust the plan’? Now we must ask ourselves… Who is Trump, and is he still alive, and why did the Commander-In-Chief of the US military, weaken the US military by jabbing them?  It’s a real story folks, there IS a class action lawsuit now regarding this very issue. Trust the plan?  How many more billions have to die? At some point I hope all the white hats and gray hats are put on trial, and those who have been playing a role in dragging out this shite show, are tossed into Guantanimo  bay with their buddies. Donald Trump still pisses me off, but I say that not believing that the man is even still alive. Donald Trump (Jabbed) Died During His Covid Treatment? Do I Believe Donald Trump Is Dead? There’s no way that real Trump can be in the Cheyanne Mountains, but the one we see is the fake Trump, and neither one conflicts or contradicts the other. How can the real Trump sit back in his secure military bunker, and watch the fake Trump do what he is doing? The real Trump… is he father of the vaccine or not?  Father of the greatest medical mass murder plan, in the history of the world? And no apology? No admittance of guilt? One billion people DEAD, and no sign of any remorse? Trump’s friend kills innocent children, and there’s no sign of any emotion or compassion on that level either? And if Fake Trump is the Trump we are seeing… that means his entire family is playing along? Then they are guilty too… accomplices of mass genocide! This whole trust the plan thing, is stinking now to high heavens. Yeah I’m not happy to trust the plan, while people are microwaved in their sleep.

The idea that someone that would be part of a plan where one billion people have to be collateral damage, is just too much. I used to support the ‘trust the plan’ thing… but I trust the Divine plan, and all who have played a role in hiding behind ‘trust the plan’… will face Divine justice.  I have personally made the call. There is no escape for the white hats and the grey hats to continue to align with evil and get away with it.

I hold in my heart, the space for anyone to turn to the light…. but at some point, we have to be able to distinguish Christ from anti-Christ, for our own survival at the very least.    

Richard Peterson Kuthumi (IITM) Indian in the machine (lightwork) / World Teacher & Friends (spiritual) / The Yellow Ray (updates) / Before Its News Contributor Feed / Indian in the machine YouTube / Bitchute / Donorbox / Paypal / Shop / MOST POWERFUL WORDS EVER HEARD IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD – THE GREAT PETITIONS / New book coming soon! “Everyday Christ”