In Pleiadian Commander Hakann’s message to the people of earth, he discusses Donald Trump’s death.

Donald J. Trump Is Dead!! Gray Hats Have Failed, Humanity Is Without True Leadership!! Says Hakann Pleiadian Commander, Representative Of Galactic Confederation

He didn’t address cause of death but I can’t help but wonder if the whole “Father of the vaccine” thing, and initially pushing it upon the people, would mean that a massive wave of death karma would be coming back at him?

Face it folks… those like Trump are INTERTWINED with the dark hats… some take death oaths… some see too much death… and so on.

But guys… this man had been in extremely poor health, ate big macs everyday, and would certainly put himself under tremendous strain… flying around the world even, all the time.

You and I… we have a major situation here… our leadership is missing in action, in certain ways.

Let’s you and I…. then, don’t we have to move beyond the gray hats… and all just go direct with the galactics?

Others can fail us, but we don’t have to fail ourselves.

Here’s a related message from R’Kok, ex-reptilian military:



Donald Trump Died But From What?? Assassination?? Too Much Pressure??? Bad Health??!! Karma For Being “Father of the Covid Vaccine”?? In Pleiadian Commander Hakann’s message to the people of earth, he discusses Donald Trump’s death. Donald J. Trump Is Dead!! Gray Hats Have Failed, Humanity Is Without True Leadership!! Says…
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