Do You Remember When Pleiadian Space Commander Hatonn Was On American Live Radio In 1992?!! That Was Great… Things Got Weirder And Weirder!!

IITM: This conversation is just as much an artifact for extraterrestrial intelligence and presence, as anything!

Source: Pg 140

LET US TRANSCRIBE THE INTERVIEW The Jay Lawrence “talk” show, 8:00 p.m., Sunday, Jan. 5, 1992. Phoenix, Ariz. KTAR: Page 123 First there was approximately 15 minutes of “news” and weather (which in itself would probably be worthy of bringing to your attention as it dealt with destruction, damages and homicides almost exclusively). Announcer: From KTAR’s news talk-radio this is the Jay Lawrence Show. To get in touch with Jay call 277-5827, that is 277-KTAR. And if you are listening to KTAR outside the Phoenix metropolitan call free at 1-800-544-KTAR. Now here is your host, Jay Lawrence. J: Good evening and once again welcome. Thank you letting KTAR 620-AM be a part of your evening. I think we have an interesting show for you tonight. I am quite certain that my voice will hold out but, as you hear, I have a cold and when you have a fiveyear-old you can count on catching everything that every kid in the valley brings home with them. (I’m sorry but the next was too soft spoken to record as Mr. Lawrence had laryngitis along with his “cold”.) You will be having a chance to be speaking with Commander Hatonn who claims to be the leader of a Pleiadian group, I think of ancient time and other places, maybe another galaxy. He communicates with George Green who has been communicating with extraterrestrials for a number of years. In the next hour we will be joined by (inaudible but I believe someone with or from the Chicago Cubs which I assume is a ball team) who has written a terrific book called TEACHING YOURSELF TO WIN. It is a positive thinking book, baseball book, all at the same time. It brings a lot of positive thinking as well as a lot of information. He will be on in the next hour so stay tuned and then until 11:00 we will be talking about anything you would like to talk about. (Note that George Green has 48 books by Hatonn and countless others by other authors–BUT NOT EVEN THE SLIGHTEST MENTION OF SAME.) First of all, George Green. George, welcome to our show and thanks for joining us tonight. Before we meet Commander Hatonn, tell our KTAR listeners about yourself and being in the Air Force and also, when did you run into problems with the Air Force? GG: (I apologize but the audio was turned so low at the station as to only be able to barely hear George and we cannot reproduce the dialogue. This portion dealt with George’s experiences at Edwards Air Force Base and actually seeing alien craft undercover, etc. When George questioned higher command, he was immediately sent to a non-existent base in Japan and told to “shut-up” regarding the encounter. Then he spoke, I believe, of his experiences in Switzerland with Pleiadians and Billy Meier. He was allowed to speak for about 3 to 5 minutes.) I want you readers to know what was going on on our end of the line at Dharma’s point location. These ones have an aviary with many, many birds of which 2 to 4 are in the house as pets at any given time. The small, and most special parakeet talks fluently and was perched on E.J.’s shoulder when the phone rang with Mr. Lawrence on the other end. When the energy of the voice came through the line, the bird went berserk, Page 124 flew into a wall-clock which then fell and the bird was in frenzied flight, bashing into walls and windows for some 3 minutes. Dharma, consequently, was almost panicstruck for it sounded as if the wall had fallen as the clock shattered apart. You cannot fool children or animals and it is useless to even effort at it! Frequencies of voice reflect intent and cannot be masked, even with laryngitis. J: Now, Hatonn, you are an extraterrestrial, is that correct? H: Yes sir. J: Hatonn, first of all, this is for me; I have never spoken with an extraterrestrial before so I sometimes feels as though my communication with my wife is one of speaking with an extraterrestrial from time to time. Are you a man or a woman? H: I am a male, by all of your calculations. My speaker–my translator, is female. J: Now, I am talking to you but you are talking through a female. H: Let us put it this way: if you did not speak Russian and I do, you need a translator. J: That’s correct. H: I use a “universal” form of speech which is projected in “pulses” and she is simply a translator. J: Well, OK. Is she in some kind of trance or something while you speak through her? H: I don’t know if that is factual; I assume that you might refer to it as such. I utilize her “system”, her vocal cords–she simply translates language. It is exactly as I would speak to you on a telephone. She does not “interfere” with what I do or say. When we write she obviously writes with her hands. J: What is your full name? H: My name is Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn (spelled out by alphabet). I’m also recognized about the Galaxy, if you will, as Aton. J: Then you are a Commander. H: I am a Commander. I am FROM Pleiades as I travel to your sector in this mission. J: Where is Pleiades–in our galaxy? H: Well, (pause)–galaxy? Not exactly, no. Page 125 J: Give me a relative feel about where you are from. Give us feeling about where you come from. H: I come via Pleiades, but I am NOT at Pleiades now. I have a craft (overvoice by Jay)–and it is called the Phoenix. J: Alright, when did you arrive on Earth? H: I am not on Earth. J: You are not? H: No. J: You are not–then you are in your craft. H: Yes, I am on my craft. J: OK, I see. You are somewhere “drifting” out in space right now and speaking through this woman that George Green has put us in contact with. H: Well, you make it sound a little bit fishy because there is so much nonsense that goes on in the circles of the UFO touters and authorities as well as with all of the “channels” that you have going on from extraterrestrials of 64,000 years ago, etc. And, as I listen to you speak just this little bit, it sounds both hoaxy and ridiculous and it is none of those things. There is nothing mystical about it–it may be a bit mysterious to you simply because you don’t actually understand it. But, I can promise you that after listening through your little rundown of “news” prior to my introduction–you have a lot more problems than do we. J: OK, tell us about your planet. Is Pleiades the name of your planet? H: I can speak of Pleiades if that is what you really wish to speak about. J: Yes, that is why you are here. H: It is what you would recognize as the constellation of the Seven Sisters or, the Wee Dipper. There are seven visible stars in the constellation from your viewpoint and from you it is approximately some 500 light years away. J: Alright, tell us about—er; How many people are there on your space ship? Or, well, not people–er, places, things–uh, what are you called? Pleiadians? Hows that? H: Yes sir, that’s very good as a name. J: How many are there of you just drifting about out there right now? Page 126 H: Do you mean on my ship, or drifting around in other ships–or what? J: Well, uh-er – – -? H: There are well over a million ships (craft) in my Command, sir. J: A million ships in your command? H: Yes. J: ?? Are all of them drifting about the Earth? H: They are stationed in various and sundry locations and places–some traveling (moving) and some stationed. All are mostly outside your atmosphere, at this time, because you have so much phenomena going on in your own atmosphere. J: Well, what is – – – ? H: It does seem almost trite to speak of these particular things. I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be insensitive. J: And I don’t mean to be discourteous but, and or, let me invite our KTAR listeners who might have never conversed with an extraterrestrial–and this may be one of the very few opportunities they will ever have to speak to one. (Gave phone number). I shouldn’t have ALL the pleasure of questioning an extraterrestrial. (Instructions to listeners: Since we have an extraterrestrial in phone range perhaps you will want to call in.) J: How many – – – how long have you been in contact with people on Earth? H: I personally have been contacting and working with ones from your early 1950’s, toward this particular project which is under way at this particular time on your planet. J: Are there both males and females among the Pleiadians? H: Oh, most surely–yes. And you see, you are dealing with something now that needs a bit of extra explanation. J: OK–but – – H: And, there is something that you should know, and should always demand, any time that any extraterrestrial comes “hopping” through your doorway– REQUIRE THAT THEY ABSOLUTELY IDENTIFY THEMSELVES AND STATE PURPOSE AND ORIGIN–THEN YOU MUST COME TO SOME COMFORT WITH THE IDENTIFICATION. You did not do that and I have not been given opportunity other than to introduce myself. J: I assure you that – – – Page 127 H: It is most important that you know and understand that I come only in the service of the Lighted God. Now, all of you ones on your planet have already made up your minds how you feel about that and you plan Raptures and plan all sorts of ways of getting together with God–I come – – (great interruption) J: Commander, I have to take a break now. I don’t know if you have been on the air before but if you have not–we do commercials here on Earth. In case you might have a little radio on the space ship and have been listening in to talk-shows you might realize we have to have commercials. We have a number of things that we do and we also receive calls from other people–George, has Hatonn been on the air anywhere before? G: Yes. J: So then, Hatonn is aware of procedures and the things we are going to do? OKGood! Well then, we are going to have commercials and then we have phone calls for we have a lot of people waiting. Before we take a break, do you in your “body”, look like, say, us–Earth people or do you look like something else? H: The Pleiadian races are actually most of your own ancestors. There are many who are already among you; there are ones on various planets within the constellations that arc very much like you but others are quite a bit different. Let us assume that if you have life-forms, say on Jupiter or Mars, you might well expect them to differ from you on Earth. You are going to have a wide variety range in physical appearance, but very definitely humanoid. I personally come from a very tall species. J: Do you’ll procreate the same as we do? H: (pause) – – hmm, with a lot more careful thought and responsibility—yes, we have family units. J: Well OK, we have to take a quick break but we’ll get back to Commander Hatonn when we return, as well as with George Green. ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SEVERAL MINUTES. J: Jay Lawrence here with someone who claims to be an extraterrestrial–stay tuned. MORE ADVERTISING J: Here I am, Jay Lawrence on KTAR radio. It is 9:26 and we are going to go to the phone lines and give you a chance to ask questions of this individual who claims to be Commander Hatonn of Pleiades–an extraterrestrial. Art, in Phoenix, you are on KTAR 620. Page 128 A: Commander, how are you? H: Good evening. A: My question to the Commander is a two part question, actually. Has he ever visited Earth himself? H: Yes. A: And did you ever help with or plan, picture, the colonization of the planet? H: No sir. That is not my mission. My mission is to remove God’s people from the planet when that becomes necessary–if that becomes necessary. A: OK, what is the Government and Education like on your planet? H: We have a very simplified method of government. Was your second question on “education”? A: Yes it was. H: It is hard to even speak in terms relative to what you have on Earth for you have such a controlled–Elite controlled–environment. Education is handled in our places according to the skills exhibited by the child. We do not have a society such as yours where we carelessly have children, for instance. To bring a child into beingness, into human consciousness, if we might simplify it, we very, very carefully measure the desire for having that child and assume total responsibility. Most of the Pleiadian families you will find limited to approximately four people. A lot of care and thought is given to bringing those children, which will come into the running of the system, if you will–in the later days as we become old and retire. J: Commander, let me interrupt for we have people waiting on the lines–let me just cover it all as quickly as we can. Gentleman unidentified: Good evening and greetings, Hatonn. H: Good evening. GU: Thank you for what you are doing for your brothers here on Terra. H: Thank you for being respectful. GU: Bless George Green and all his crew. Hatonn, we–my wife and I–are students of Ramtha and there seems to be some sort of a bridge between what you and J.Z Knight and crew do, although you both speak the truth–what is the division here so that we might better understand it? J: Can we hold this to about 45 seconds? H: It’s difficult to answer such a large question in only 45 seconds. The great difference is that you will not hear Ramtha saying, “I come in service only to God of Page 129 Light.” He has a particular mission and he has particular followers and he will do whatever it is that which Ramtha needs to do. You have a great entertainment program going with the J.Z. Knight organization–I would simply caution of you to be most careful. This does not mean that the “truth” brought forth is less truth–it is just that you must be cautious that you are not taken advantage of – – – (interruption and shut off). NEWS AND LOTS OF COMMERCIALS. Interestingly enough–the news dealt with Israel and “controlled media”, and how the peace talks will probably not take place because of failure of the Arabs to overlook the expulsion of Palestinians who had acted out against settlements in the West Bank. Then some five homicide reports of local nature. J: We are talking to Commander Hatonn through the good auspices of George Green who you have heard here on KTAR before. Coming up next hour a visit with Steve Stone, etc. Right now, Joseph in Scottsdale–you are on KTAR 620. Jo: Good evening – – – (great fuss and discounting which totally interrupted the taping for the first portion of the statement). H: Well, I see that we have a very friendly creature calling, who has no interest, whatsoever, in the fact of what is taking place either in your place or mine. Jo: Oh well, excuse me, but I live in the world of fact and what you are is (another shut-down). H: That’s very fine. Jo: What we are dealing with here is something that stinks – – H: Sir, if you wish to accuse me of something, sir–I am a guest asked to this program. Jo: Yeah, and I think this is a great disservice to the public community that a radio station that serves the public interests would have on a couple of charlatans–aren’t you George Green’s WIFE? H: No, I am certainly not George Green’s wife. Neither is my speaker. Jo: Then what area code are you calling from? H: What difference does it make to you, sir? Jay: Joseph, I’ll tell you what–I understand what you are saying and we appreciate your call. It is up to our listeners, we have a full board of people who wish to talk to Page 130 someone who “claims” to be an extraterrestrial. Whether you and I believe that, I don’t know that we can address that question. If someone claims a thing, we have to address them as “that” and I have to let others through so that they can express themselves. (Instructions to callers.) G: Thank you. (Joseph was disconnected.) If you wish to know more about this then call our 800 number tomorrow and we will be most happy to send you information and other materials. We can speak more on frequencies and things of that technical nature if you are interested in finding out more. J: What was that number again, George? G: 1-800-729-4131. I will be glad to forward information so that they will know how to reach us to receive information regarding physical transmission of frequency–radio transmission from the craft. J: And, I believe you have spoken about this on a couple of different shows here on KTAR, as well. G: Yes. J: Marilyn–you are on KTAR. M: Jay, you sound awful tonight. J: I know. M: Commander Hatonn, nice to speak with you. H: Thank you. M: As you observe, whatever you observe, do you zero in on people or places–like our Sedona, which is a very “hot” place in our state? H: Yes, I do both depending on circumstances and need. M: Oh, individuals? H: Yes, I can–I usually don’t. M: What do you zero-in on? H: Only on energy forms (patterns). We have a specific mission to your planet. We come in total friendship. Part of our mission is to discount the ridiculous nonsense given to all of you regarding UFO’s and aliens. M: Oh, I believe (interruption by Jay) – J: Hatonn, have you ever been in contact with any members of our government–with some or any of your information? Page 131 H: Absolutely–I very frequently contact many members of your government. M: Hatonn, have your heard of the Ethereal Society? H: (pause) M: Its about a 40-year-old organization. H: I can’t say, specifically, that I have. M: OK, this is supposed to be the first UFO organization in the U.S. believing in UFO’s. Based in Los Angeles. H: Surprisingly enough, not to be unkind, but you have a lot of very, very genuinely interested people. It is such a disservice and ungracious to you ones, who already believe and are expecting actually, the other half of your own mission. That is who we represent–that other half of your brotherhood. J: Then why don’t we see pictures of you in the newspapers and so on? Why don’t we see magazine stories? Why aren’t you interviewed more? H: Because of ones like the gentleman who just called-in. J: Why aren’t you on major media? H: Sir, you have a totally, completely (100%) controlled media, and you of all people should know that. Right there at your radio station there have been great problems– great problems. The first thing “they” do is call in and pronounce George Green, who is simply a publisher, and ones such as Joseph call in saying, “We know who you are– you are Mr. Green’s wife, and worse–with accusations against him for fraud, antiSemitism and total denouncement and insulting accusations. I am Commander Hatonn. Ones such as that are welcome to their opinions but it is difficult at best. J: Well, it is so rare that we get to communicate with extraterrestrials–that people aren’t really accustomed to it. H: Perhaps–(cut off) J: Now to you other listeners, we will be back and here’s the phone number – – ADVERTISING J: Jay Lawrence show–and our guest is George Green, publisher, and George has published a number of books supposedly and allegedly coming from the Pleiadians–is that correct George? From Hatonn? Page 132 G: Yes, and from others of his group. (inaudible) J: —-so what we have right now is a woman that Hatonn communicates through? The woman is somewhere at a phone with Hatonn and Hatonn is in his space-ship somewhere–somewhere above Earth–is that correct? G: No, she is one of the “translators”–only ONE of them. Remember that the transmissions are not – – – -(inaudible). J: OK, let’s go to Gerald in Phoenix. You’re on KTAR 620. GL: OK, I’ve listened to your program before this man in Scottsdale–and I had a question that still lingers in my mind. Instead of having to lift all these people off Earth if it is destroyed and there are only a few people who will destroy it–why wouldn’t it be more simple to just lift off the people who are gonna destroy it and put them on an asteroid some place else? Does that make sense? H: Yes, it would seem to make sense but the facts are that that is what has already happened. That is why your planet is in such trouble. You don’t understand the workings of the Universe or even the orderliness of how the Universe functions. You have been given such ridiculous stories that it is hard for you to understand, either, 1. Why we are not there with you now and yet, if you think about it for a while, I might ask you why would it be that we are doing it this way? I believe after you think about it for a moment you will understand. This is YOUR planet. We have a mission here and we will not interfere, or intervene, in any way with your functioning. Do you understand? It is the law–the cosmic law by which we – – -(interruption) J: Gerald, thank you for calling. Now, Hatonn, are you–could you–well, are you so powerful that you could intervene? We who have seen Star Trek know pretty much the tremendous power of extraterrestrials in films, shows, movies and such–do you have all of those powers within your capabilities? H: Yes sir. J: But you won’t use them? H: Absolutely not. J: You mean that you could stop wars and you won’t? H: Sir, we don’t start your wars. You are a free-will planet. You have been gifted with freedom of life and freedom of choices and what you do with those choices, you see, is up to you. You are given guidelines according to the Universal Law and the Laws of God and Nature. If you choose to break those laws, I must stand back and allow you to do that. I am sent on a mission but not to interfere or cause even one more grain of trouble on your planet. My mission, commission, my order–if you will, is to bring Page 133 Truth and set the lies to straight so that Man can have that Truth if he chooses. You can deny it, can deny my presence, you can continue in your dreamland that everything is OK–but, I must tell you, that you have things such as a twelve-level underground facility right under Edwards Air Force Base and there are ones scattered all over your world, likewise. You have incredible technology on your planet–you see- -when you start looking for your adversary, the anti-Christ, for instance: these are not little gray aliens. These are bounded to your planet and it is not my business to get anything done with them. J: Let me interrupt because we have a full board waiting and they may want to tell their children that they got to speak to an extraterrestrial. H: Well, I’ll tell you Mr. Lawrence, if you would be gracious enough to ask me more often, I would be happy to be on and more people could talk to an extraterrestrial. J: Frank in Phoenix, you are on KTAR. F: Yes, I have a question. You mention that when the time comes and you take people into evacuation, where would you take them? H: I would take them immediately to my ship. F: But to where? Would they just be permanently aboard your ship? H: Thank you for asking that question. Absolutely not. The first stop of most of you would be to Pleiades. You would be moved into the security of a safe and balanced place. Ones have some ridiculous idea of a “Rapture” to some clouds, for instance, with no thought of that which would go on beyond or what you would do after you get “there”. This is what you ones must begin to think about–your goal, like where will you go from there? Your Master Teacher of some 2000 years ago, whatever you wish to call this being–this messenger that came, tells you a place has been prepared for you. That is exactly what has happened. You are physical beings so a physical place is prepared. It is not some dreamland, mystical fantasy where you are floated on some cloud somewhere J: OK Frank, thank you for your call. Let’s go now to Charles of Scottsdale. C: Yeah, I’m calling to find out, you know–you got people like this calling in all the time. She says she’s from outer space. H: No, no, no–this lady is not from outer space. C: Oh, so you’re not from outer space? H: This lady is not from outer space. Page 134 C: Then where is this lady from? H: This lady is from Tehachapi, California. C: Oh my God, you are in trouble–I don’t know–is that close to Anaheim? J: Ok, I get your point–thank you for your call. J: Alright, Curtis in Phoenix, you are on KTAR. C: Hello, Anaheim must be somewhere very close to Disneyland. J: Well, that might well have been the input. Go ahead, Curtis. C: I was calling in regard to the government that is on your planet. Since you have come down to rescue all of us people to somewhere when the Earth is brought to ruin– has your government thought this up–is your government ruled by God or what? H: I am in the service of God and those are the people that we will pick up. C: Well, you are – – – H: You sound as if you think I am going to somehow destroy you someway. C: Then are you an angel of God? H: I’m a – I guess you might call me that, I am a (interruption) J: OK Curtis, thank you and now we have Jan in Apache Junction–you are on KTAR 620. Tell you what, Jan, could you hold on–we have to have a quick break and then we will get back, Ok? BREAK–COMMERCIALS J: Thanks, now let’s go to Jan who has a question for Commander Hatonn. Jan: First of all, Jay, I am sorry about all the problems of your health and wish the medicines had served you well. J: This is the best I’ve been–this is wonderful as compared to how I was. Jan: Glad to hear that. Jan: I have, really, kind of two question for your guest. My understanding is that you have been around for some 64,000 years, is that correct? H: I believe you must be speaking of Ramtha. Page 135 Jan: Then how long have you been a part of our Universe? H: (pause) In one form or another, it has been “forever”. Jan: Well, then you have been around to watch our planet evolve and civilizations disappear. In other words, the Anasazi, the Mayans, the Atlanteans, the Phoenicians and a great many other cultures. These disappeared and we don’t know how they were removed or what happened to them. Can you expound on that a little bit? H: Yes I can and I have given, and Mr. Green has over 11,000 pages that we have written in the last 30 months. There are 48 JOURNALS. I cannot give you the life, death and cycles of all your civilizations in 45 seconds. I find it impossible. I appreciate your question because it is an intelligent and relevant question. Usually I have been bombarded with statements such as, “You are false,” “You are Satanic,” “What are you doing here?” and “Why don’t you just cure cancer and then I’ll believe you.” I am not here to make anyone believe me. Jan: No, I am not looking to you as a “fix-all” or anything. H: No, and I understand you and honor you–please do not misunderstand me. My other question, which is really immaterial–no, it’s not immaterial: In–on this planet we have a number of areas where there are various disappearances such as, I’m thinking of the Bermuda Triangle, The Great Lakes Triangle and then again, off the Sea of Japan; I’ve forgotten the name of that vortex. You say you key into energy fields–are these energy fields, in fact, creating these happenings? H: Absolutely, yes. Yes, you have now a lot of inner Earth activity going on, not the least of which, however, is by your own national Government(s). I use plural. You have a major thrust, now, for a takeover to move to One Global Government and that is what is bringing your problems. A problem in the U.S. at this particular time is that you have negated your own Constitution. The only way that you can get control of your government is to get, again, control of your Constitution. J: OK, Jan, thanks for your call–now, let us go to James in Phoenix. This is probably the last call we’ll have time for. James: Hatonn, you say you are here as a representative of the Holy Light of God. May I ask what is the name of your God? H: The name of my God is according to whatever you happen to be–“God” is certainly sufficient if you speak English. If you speak Native American you will find – – – (interruption) James: Hatonn, I can’t accept that because God is a personality and, as a personality, God has a name. But, that’s OK–but who is Jesus of Nazareth? Page 136 H: Jesus of Nazareth is one who experienced as a Christ energy. He was given the name “Jesus” by Paul who was traveling in Greece after what, literally, you call the crucifixion. James: One other quick question, Hatonn. You seem to take offense when people are disrespectful or unkind in their questions but yet, through the time that I have listened to you on this program (the following in a nasty, sarcastic and rude tone)–you have been very disrespectful and unkind to those who believe in Jesus and in the Rapture. H: Oh please–I travel with the one Jesus…. James: I do believe that you are of Satan – – H: Sir, thank you–you have just made my point. I travel with the one you call Jesus. If ones will allow me to speak–I come as a Host, as a pre-runner for, in preparation J: We are out of time H. Yes sir, that is always the way it is–out of time when we come to God. J: George Green–George, please – – G: If you listeners want more information please call our 800 number which is 1-800- 729-4131 and we can certainly go into that subject–may God bless and be with all you listeners. J: It has been a very interesting experience and I’m sure I will hear more about it. Thank you for your time and, Commander Hatonn, thank you. Close out. END As we close this writing I ask that you always understand that YOU do not know the contract of another and judging is not of God nor to be of another Man. Always judge action and never the person lest ye be wrong. You can never see what wondrous things might flow from that which may appear negative. Most people only wish to learn and share–let us be ever gentle but ever with integrity beyond question. Thank you for your attention, love and sharing. Good day and God walks with you–ever constant unto your call. Salu, Hatonn to clear, pleaseThe Yellow Ray – Lightfeed

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January 2, 2024

Creepy Green Laser In The Sky During Storm… Is It Coming…

January 2, 2024

Chat GDP Goes Evil Having A Conversation With Itself… Must See…

December 28, 2023

Man Says Banks Are Ready For NESARA/GESARA And Signed Non-Disclosure Contracts!!

January 10, 2024