If these resonate with you, they do, and if they don’t they don’t. These are statements created to help people awaken, during the last moments of their life in 3D on earth.

76.  You’d rather turn into an android than spiritually awaken 100%.

77.  You still don’t know who did 911, after 22 years.

78.  You are scared of certain ethnicities, and even your own relatives.

79.  You actually mostly lack any real direction in life, and prefer life to lead you into various messes and dramas.

80.  You haven’t even changed your table salt to something better, and yet you think you are a quick learner who loves yourself.

81.  You’d rather spend money on illnesses, which seems more justified, than spending money on healing, when you are not ill.

82.  You want Jesus or someone else, to pay the price for your ‘sins’, while you hope to get off scot-free.

83.  No matter how many emergencies you are in and helped create, you ignore most if not all of them, and refuse to be held accountable.

84.  You act tough on the internet, but in reality, you are a child in an adult body, who cries, complains, blames and screams for attention.

85.  You eat dead food all the time, then come up with all sorts of tricks to fool people and yourself into believing you are living and healthy.

86.  You rarely use these words, if at all: God, universal consciousness, 5D, ascension, mother earth, spiritual development, NESARA/GESARA, may God’s Will be done, and you say swear words all the time.

87.  You’d rather ask someone else a question, when you could easily research the answer.

88.  You don’t believe in anything, really, and you have stopped dreaming of a better world for OTHERS.

89.  You wash your hair with toxic chemicals, that seep into your brain, and you wonder why you can’t figure anything out.

90.  When today is not like yesterday, this is inconvenient for you, and brings you stress.

91.  Your ideal state is to care for nothing, do nothing, be nothing, and to be cared for.

92.  You think success comes from being spiritually impoverished.

93.  You have come up with all sorts of clever ways to  steal other people’s energy, and all sorts of clever excuses to justify it.

94.  You use your gifts and talents, to accumulate what you don’t need, as you watch other people deal with the messes you make.

95.  You are addicted to other people’s lies, and they know it, and you know it.

96.   Your heart is closed, to prevent pain, and yet, with a closed heart, you created way more pain.

97.  You want people to treat you better than you treat yourself.

98.  Even though it’s obvious that you don’t know what you are doing, you look at your things and think because you have them, you know what you are doing.

99. You probably live on stolen land, and it never occurs to you to address this situation.

100.  When people ask how you are doing, you are never truly honest, because you don’t really know how you are doing.

You feel these lists are valuable for self-reflection and improvement, and you want to support the person who wrote them, pay it forward, or do something for someone who has helped to awaken you (which by the way, is a very difficult task, in case you haven’t noticed LOL!! ).

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