Some will tell you that you are not supposed to and do not have negative feelings.  If you have them, they are stuffed down and topped with a smile.  This, my dearest, is the opposite of the truth.  People of all faiths and belief systems have negative feelings on occasion!  The Universe knows this may be something you are already aware of but, reminders are nice.

Being your authentic self, including those negatives, are a part of your growth and learning.  The more knowledge you gain, the less those not-so-good moments will matter.  They can come and go on a breeze…all you have to do is allow it to happen.  If you feel stuck, ask for an extra set of eyes to help you.  There is no harm in asking for assistance!  The Universe and those that really care will always be there for you. ~ Creator

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, TheraHealing Instructor/Practitioner at The Creator Writings

IITM: This is a huge lesson for many. How can you clean up something within if you do not acknowledge it exists within you, and is highly protected? Ah… the Achilles heal for lightworkers who feel they will be more successful and truthful if they only put forth socially acceptable standards.


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    • Yes and glad you found us over here! I have no way of telling O.N.E. News readers where I am, at the moment.

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