IITM: If someone set up bombs in your house, you would do something about it, but when someone weaponizes your neighbourhood OR YOUR BODY, you think you cannot do anything about it, or choose to do nothing, or you think you can ignore it away. All you are doing is proving is that you are held back by a fear you don’t acknowledge, nor fully comprehend. What’s worse is when people then criticize those who are willing to step forward and do what is needed. It’s like people are asking YOU for help, but you can no longer HEAR us… maybe you thought you had to deaden yourself, in order to survive or protect your emotional state… maybe you just don’t have enough faith… or maybe you are incapable of working with God or the godly, or just maybe, you are no longer even human. I wouldn’t play that game any longer folks… the role of the ‘innocent blind and incapble bystander’, because it is a game of PRETEND, during A SERIES OF MAJOR CRISIS THAT NEED YOUR HELP AND ATTENTION… INSTEAD MANY THINK, ‘TONE IT DOWN WITH THE CONSPIRACIES DUDE’, AS THEY PRETEND FOR ANOTHER DAY.