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If The Great Solar Flash And Three Days Of Darkness Are Related, Then Listen To This Video!!

Folks we have some major events coming that are likely related: -Great Solar Flash -Three Days Of Darkness -Planetary evacuation -Ascension catalytic point -Nibiru's...

Important News About the Coming 3 Days of Darkness!

This is truly a great video for humanity!! A historical video! The kind of video that can help people comprehend the three...

Hakann: First Contact 2024-2025, Humanity Waking Up Too Slow, Spiritual People Isolated, Gray Hats!

Well folks... either humanity wakes up, or things can get really bad. Waiting is part of the problem. People make time for their fears,...

Solar Flare Risk Rising Quickly…

Solar Flare Risk Rising Quickly... If this one isn't it... there is the strongest solar flare, ever, to hit earth 'on it's way'.... and it...

“Proof Revealed: The International Space Station is Actually a Hoax!”

RPK (IITM):  By the way, Hatonn Pleaidian Commander says our star family finds it hilarious that the darkside has the surface humans convinced that...

Proof Americans Being Fried While Alive… Fake Eclipse Path Pulsed With Microwaves While They Sleep In Synchronized Bursts And It Started With The Fake Eclipse??!!...

 NancyDrewberry And what the hell is that coming out of Nevada? Guys... what this looks like is that the path if the fake eclipse is being...

International Fake Station?

Think about it. If the International Fake Station is going 17,000 miles an hour... how do they get people up and off of it,...

Artificial Solar Eclipse Scientists And Science Exposed!! The Science And The Players Were Hidden From Social Media And The World Until Now!!

RPK:  Guys!  There is NOTHING sadder than a species that doesn't care if the sun is blocked from them... but we have more than...

Belgium Eclipse Simulation Technology Does Exist, With Hardware Test Date: April 8th, 2024!

IITM: Thanks to Ginger for sending me this link! See I said we were going to figure this out together and we...

Eclipse Bombshell! They Placed An Artificial Sun In Front Of The Real Sun To Hide Nibiru And Spaceships!!

Guys! There is some growing evidence that they placed an artificial sun in front of the real sun. Colette Reynolds on tic...

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