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Fifth Dimension

If The Great Solar Flash And Three Days Of Darkness Are Related, Then Listen To This Video!!

Folks we have some major events coming that are likely related: -Great Solar Flash -Three Days Of Darkness -Planetary evacuation -Ascension catalytic point -Nibiru's...

Important News About the Coming 3 Days of Darkness!

This is truly a great video for humanity!! A historical video! The kind of video that can help people comprehend the three...

Hakann: First Contact 2024-2025, Humanity Waking Up Too Slow, Spiritual People Isolated, Gray Hats!

Well folks... either humanity wakes up, or things can get really bad. Waiting is part of the problem. People make time for their fears,...

Solar Flare Risk Rising Quickly…

Solar Flare Risk Rising Quickly... If this one isn't it... there is the strongest solar flare, ever, to hit earth 'on it's way'.... and it...

Humanity Put On Fast Track Ascension Process Says Pleiadians And Planetary Spiritual Hierarchy!!!

Greetings, We are the Pleiadians of Alcyone, We speak to you in these moments to bring great upliftment to you, to Raise you within the...

Humanity Is Fast Approaching “Transitional Split”!! 

Ascension Lightworkers To The Ascension Lightworker Community . Earth is fast approaching the ‘TRANSITIONAL SPLIT’, which is destined to unfold as the cycle of 2024...

This Simulation Is Ending Whether People Like It Or Not!! Preparing For The Great Solar Flash!!

It feels safe and comfortable to be with the herd and to make today like yesterday... the only thing is, the herd is rushing...

On The Way To The Fifth Dimension… There Is This!

There is nothing to really hang on to in the outside physical side, except as a crutch, before one begins to spiritually walk, and...

High School Student Explains The Fourth Dimension In Simple Concepts!

IITM: This is a very helpful summary of the dimensions and I cannot help but admire this young man's geniusness, and his teaching...

Only 1% will shift to the New Earth! Are you one of them?

IITM: Challenges to get to the fifth dimension?  Nah!  Really?? LOL

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