Beloved Emanuel and Pastora I am Galacom, I come on a specific mission so that everyone is ready. The planet is entering a pretty critical phase after an apparent calm. It is predicted that tomorrow May 11, a large coronal mass ejection will reach the planet, from the highest. It will be so strong that satellites and the planet will be affected.
The planet, on the other hand, is being badly affected and as its scientists on the plane said, now this, there’s no turning back. We have put all the possible protections in place. Nets, protections have been installed around the planet, but internally the planet is still very unstable.
There are strong situations at the transmutation level of the earth in general. You see the climate conditions the planet is in right now. Rains, torrential rains that have made even villages disappear. Telluric movements, where never before trembled are felt and with greater strength. Volcanoes getting activated.
All galactic forces are on alert. They are at the solar system and planet level providing support and providing support, in case of any difficult situation.
The geopolitical part is very engaged. My darlings are done. Ashatr Command worked hard along with beloved Master Antuak.
Master Antuak himself has chosen to present himself and make deliberations between commas, but there are strong threats, very strong threats of situations on the planet. So much so it’s predicted… Well, we’re on the lookout for any nuclear weapons.
Europe is shaking …
There will be strong standoff situations. The foundations of the Vatican are shaking. His time has come, his time has come. Enough of all the damage they have caused to humanity. Because they have been the hidden big government, behind big governments and official institutions.
There, there, Europe, USA also get ready.
The geopolitical situation is very unstable, very tense. The Global Atmospheric Situation…
Caribbean islands, Brazil, Argentina, strong threats, heavy rain.
Oh Haiti, Oh Haiti, what goes around comes around.
Beloved, I say unto you, be ready. You can already feel the strong influx of energy on your planet. For tomorrow, May 11 and the following days, it will be heavily influenced by coronal mass ejection, which will cause major disturbances in the planet’s electromagnetic field.
We are all paying attention, all Commands are paying attention. It’s what they’ve called a Cannibal Solar Storm with major consequences on communications, electrical service, as well as the impact on tectonic plates and on Earth’s climate.
I wanted to give you this warning so that everyone is ready, not to come in fear, nor to come in despair. It’s important because at the level of the sun, several holes are already activated and almost joining. What has brought this eruption to the level of the sun my beloved, is quite strong.
This month of May brings quite a lot of turbulence and from here it continues until August, which will bring another great instability, as it will be in these days.
There’s no need to be afraid. You know that the children of light, are all protected by the inner forces of your heart and by the spiritual hierarchy. Never Father Mother disadvantages their children and all their children have assistance.
Bodies will finish the transmutation processes. Better said, they will continue but in a more intense way taking advantage of this great solar energy that also brings a lot of information, many activation codes for Christian beings, to accelerate this awakening. For children to wake up from the deep sleep and see the reality they are living.
Look, see, observe, leave nothing out.
Many countries and many people are suffering, going through quite hard and difficult times and not only people but also the animal kingdom and other kingdoms. Man is sowing and he is reaping what he sowed. A race that has destroyed the planet. No turning back, as their scientists said, they fell short in projections.
From now on there’s no going back, do what man does, there’s no coming back. The damage is already done. This materialist humanity has dug up and put the planet in line. The Galactics are assisting and helping them beyond our technology and knowledge, our force. There we are giving support to everyone.
My children, my brothers, prepare yourselves in love, in light and also, prepare your bodies.
I say goodbye with all the love, I am Galacom
Emanuel and Pastora – ServiUM
ERKS – 10/05/2024
Commanders Ishtar and Ashtar

MrMBB333 nails it!

Guys! This is a big deal… some people are not going to make it.


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