I am passionately inspired to help humanity getting through and thriving during these incredible times and opportunities of change, growth and evolution.
Mira of the Pleiades: Importance of Spiritual Wisdom
Channel: Erena Velazquez
Greetings,I am Mira, from the Pleiadian High Council, and today I am speaking to my Brothers...
Ascension Lightworkers
To The Ascension Lightworker Community . Earth is fast approaching the ‘TRANSITIONAL SPLIT’, which is destined to unfold as the cycle of 2024...
IITM: This transhuman agenda is definitely something humanity needs to know about... human or not!
What if...
Galactic Federation & Ashtar Command Divine Intervention In 2024 Or 2025 Unless Something Big Happens!!
A massive update for earthlings for 2024-2025... as it becomes...
Your Energy Is The Message And The Mission!!
A beautiful message from Archangel Amethyst and Archangel Zadkiel via Linda Robinson. Source: https://www.facebook.com/eddy.hin.7 Music: 'Artemis' by...