Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I am Ashtar, the Commander of the Galactic Light Forces, and today I am delivering an important information regarding your Ascension. Millions of Light Beings, Ascended Masters, Galactics and etc. have been waiting for the Ascension Event. Even Divine intervened as the process was not moving forward.

For a long time the planet Earth has been a liability for us. The lack of responsibilities by both sides Darkness and humans who have participated in the process of destruction of life around and killing each other. The consequences for this behavior are coming, If someone, who participated in dirty deeds, thinks that they can Ascend, sorry you are wrong.

Humankind has been given too many chances to evolve and change their own destiny. So far overall we don’t see enough progress to expect that millions of humans can ascend. Your planet is always in chaos and you are always in conflict with each other.

The Galactic High Councils is in agreement that only the awaken Galactic souls are going to ascend into multidimensional high realms. These souls will have a choice to stay on a New Earth or go back to the place, where they came from, which will be revealed to them after Ascension. The rest of the souls are not ready to take a next step and will continue their quest in 3D until they evolve.

New Earth will be given to an advanced civilization as humans mishandled own planet in 3D. Right now, they can’t be trusted, unless they can prove that we are wrong.

Millions of starships are passing through the portals next to Earth, so it’s needed a stable planet without daily disarray. You can’t expect us to pick up your mess forever like mishandled missiles shot by irresponsible humans daily in different parts of your globe. It’s time for humankind to start taking responsibilities for their own actions and stop blaming the Darkness for all of their misfortunes. You are guilty as they are.

We are ready to wrap up our mission related to Mother Earth. Unless you prove us that we are wrong, we are willing to reconsider our decision regarding the faith of this planet. The 3D shell is in the process of being dissolved and humanity will be moved into a similar planer faraway from this Galaxy.

You had more then enough time to pick up your own mess. What is going to happen in a near future, it’s up to you. Your destiny is in your hands not ours. If you devote most of your free time to meditations, you will ascend. We said so many times to use your own discernment regarding the messages in the Light Community, you are continuously spreading the fake ones.

Remember, your future is only in your hands. This our last reminder for humanity about transforming your realty into a high vibrational one, unless you want to stay in the same chaos forever. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces.

Follow the Guidance within Yourself.


Channeled by Erena Velazquez

Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces

IITM:  Well, there we have it!! I tried to tell people over and over, but hey, people didn’t want to listen.  I bet some O.N.E. News readers will be inheriting THIS earth… but most probably won’t… as you can see… even most O.N.E. News readers don’t support this site… too many egoic humans living in their bubble of illusion.


  1. Not all in my age bracket(old) have computers and when these things, subjects, are brought to their attention it is not believed or they think I am demented, even younger people do not believe me because of outer space movies and super humans, everything is fantasy. My Ministers don’t believe me. If MSM emphasized this on radio and TV, not on a few certain stations that people don’t know about or have trouble getting on to, it would make people watch/ listen and know this is real, maybe something would be done. Remember the radio story, back in the 30/40’s, when a story about an Alien Invasion was on the radio, people panicked and thought it was real, that woke them up. Did you guys ever think about getting there attention in some nonthreatening way besides flying around in the sky. Let them see you and listen to you. None of this has been exposed to the public. ET’s or what the vax’s cause . If people do not believe in God how do you expect them to believe this?.

    At this time in my life, money is tight and I am on a fixed income better luck on another planet. I hope to get to 5d. I do the best I can with what is going on in my life.
    I will either see you on the other side or not. I can’t stop what is coming.

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